There is kind of a catch 22 going on. In order to figure out what a gene is people use databases and find homologies in their sequence of interest. How did it start?
For example, how did they go about figuring out that haemoglobin is haemoglobin? So, there's mRNA floating about in our erythrocytes, ok great, but how can someone have the slightest idea that this mRNA codes for a protein that binds oxygen. I just don't get how one can go about figuring out for what a piece of mRNA codes.
Let's say I isolate mRNA from some bacterium and then I say ok what now. Without using any databases how do I go about figuring out what this mRNA could be.
There's all these proteimics and bla bla but they draw from a starting point.
Can someone tell a step by step way of taking an organism islolating a cell and its mRNA and then identifying what those genes code for. That would be awesome!