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Everything posted by apricimo

  1. Can someone tell me what the exact experiment was and who performed it. The experiment which shows that speed of light is a constant independent of frame of reference. I understand (I think) that Einstein said it was independent of frame of reference, but how was the experiment performed which showed this?
  2. Where did the k go? Is the answer not y = k - 1/(1+x) after taking those derivatives ?
  3. Which one would you guys say is more toxic inside a cell and why. No this is not a homework question I was just curious. I would suggest that it is Cu(II) since inside the cell the environment is reducing it would want to react with a lot of different moieties while Cu(I) would be more selective with what it will react. Not coordinate but react.
  4. When people speak of lattice. What are they referring to exactly. Like in spin-lattice relaxation what is the "lattice". Does it mean the spin of the electron and the environment? Environment being the rest of the molecule or the surrounding molecules or everything?
  5. Anyone know what people refer to when they say "free" Iron or "free" copper in cells? They always use "free" but don't say what "free" is. Is it just that it depends on the environment? In a similar environment is copper and iron going to bind similar ligands or not? In a cellular environment what are those ligands that constitute the "free" form of metals? This is not a homework question I'm just wondering because I'm sifting through papers and no one actually says what is "free".
  6. Can anyone tell me what T2g means. T is triply degenerate and g is "even" so what is 2? Also, what do the numbers in A1 and B1 and B2 mean. Also what do the letter stand for? If T is for triply degenerate then what does E for if it means doubly degenerate as doubly clearly doesn't start with e. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOne more thing can someone give a good reference for generating character tables. The math behind it and all that good stuff.
  7. Cool I like your explanation.. but taking a derivative with respect to ln(x) that part I don't understand. I understand taking a ln of a function to make a derivative simpler but what if you had y = 1 + Kx and the derivative you take is dln(y)/dln(x)...
  8. If I have a partition function say p = 1 + Kx where K is some constant describing a simple ligand binding to a macromolecule and x is the concetration of the ligand. What is the significance of taking the derivative of this function such that you take the natural log of the function and take the derivative with resepect to the natural log of x, so dln(p)/dln(x). This give me X which is the average ligation of the system (i.e. 0.5 or 0.2 of the macromolecules have a ligand bound). Where do these natural logs come from? Anyone have an idea what thats all about?
  9. So this is not a homework problem and I am not an undergrad... math is not my thing but I use it here and there... I just want to understand the significance of taking dlny/dlnx of a function... and how that works...
  10. well it could work if you'd either of the rules depending on how you think about it algebraically. I just don't know what to do with those logs in the derivative portion. I know how to apply dy/dx and find the derivative but what do you do when it calls for dlny/dlnx. what does that mean?
  11. If I have some function like y = kx/(1+x) How do I take the derivative of dln(y)/dln(x) ln is natural log... Can someone do like a step by step kind of a thing...
  12. So what would happen if you added Rnase A after the lysis buffer?
  13. What is the purpose of Rnase A in P1 buffer in mini prep kits? Is there RNA floating about outside the bacteria?
  14. I guess my question was not that clear. So you figure out a sequence of a protein but what makes you think it binds oxygen, or some other molecule and makes it into something else. How do you start doing assays to say what this protein does. Without databases to relate homology how would you begin to test what a protein/enzyme does?
  15. There is kind of a catch 22 going on. In order to figure out what a gene is people use databases and find homologies in their sequence of interest. How did it start? For example, how did they go about figuring out that haemoglobin is haemoglobin? So, there's mRNA floating about in our erythrocytes, ok great, but how can someone have the slightest idea that this mRNA codes for a protein that binds oxygen. I just don't get how one can go about figuring out for what a piece of mRNA codes. Let's say I isolate mRNA from some bacterium and then I say ok what now. Without using any databases how do I go about figuring out what this mRNA could be. There's all these proteimics and bla bla but they draw from a starting point. Can someone tell a step by step way of taking an organism islolating a cell and its mRNA and then identifying what those genes code for. That would be awesome!
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