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Everything posted by vordhosbn

  1. So the thermal energy of the matter is converted to... ?
  2. It's called a black... hole, duh?
  3. And when it's very hot, will there be enough oil for supply trucks, power plants, heavy industries, etc... Also what you are suggesting is against the principles of free market, and more towards something resembling a totalitarian regime.
  4. If we have the technology to modulate supernova-like explosions, our last concern will be FTL communications. :-D
  5. vordhosbn


    we don't know of
  6. vordhosbn


    If we are not allowed to pick alloys - what about Iridium? It's has less hardness and lower melting point, but more strength.
  7. The particular medium of distribution or it's source is irrelevant, imo. It's simple - people like drugs. And no form of criminal prosecution will prevent drug distribution. Except maybe capital punishment, as in some Middle East countries... Anyway drug abuse is a problem of the individual, and his responsibility. Government's intervention in this has shown to be not only unproductive but rather counter-effective.
  8. +1 I also thought that this thread will be concerned with inter-dimensional scientists.
  9. It depends, on how you define the question, really. The "weight" of the ball does not change, in either scenario, but the "weight, shown by the scale" will be drastically different if it's dropped from 4 meters (as mentioned above, how much different, depends on the internal mechanisms of the scale itself).
  10. Would you go visit the Amazon rainforest to sterilize an ant infested tree? :] I would go so far to say, it's narcissistic to think that they will take any interest in us at all.
  11. An Alphabet book?
  12. And in other parts of South America, Salvia Divinorum is used as a chew! It's an interesting continent.
  13. But since those hypothetical aliens will be able to create wormholes at will (and possibly harnessing the power output of whole stars), what possible interest will they have in destroying the life inhabiting a single water covered rock near an average yellow star? On top of that, I can't imagine any form of hostile, aggressive civilization, having such magnitude of power (Dyson spheres and wormholes) to survive long enough.
  14. I don't think relativistic time dilation requires multiverse concept... And "traveling into the future" does not bring any kind of paradox.
  15. Imo, darkness, if defined as the transition between illumination and lack of such, in certain direction, does have speed, but since it's not an object, but continious series of events , there is no violation of relativity here (which i'am almost certain the OP implies).
  16. Paul, I believe you will have to rewrite your printer interface calls to use the standard Windows Printer API. Which, depending on how you had written your code, can be a matter of minutes or days.
  17. Along with your sense of sarcasm, it seems. Just kidding. No offense meant.
  18. And what if all humans were obliged to drink raw cow milk every day throughout their whole lives for a relatively long period of time (100 generations)? There would be almost no lactose intolerant people and everybody will have pretty good immunity against the bacteria in raw milk. Now if we imagine another exaggerated hypothetical situatiuon - a man that has been kept in sterile, isolated environment since he was born. What do you think will happen to him if you give him a glass of raw milk? Certain death?
  19. Wow, why so dramatic?! Ultimately, social relations are not about being some perfect gentleman. You are what you are. While it's rude to just stare, it's perfectly natural to glance at women's bodies from time to time. Accuse me of speaking in cliches, but it really pays off to behave naturally. You may have some physical or pshychological characteristics that some people don't like, but do not be affraid to either express them, or if you don't like them yourself - to change. If you are obese - you can try to find people who like you the way you are, or to lose weight. The same goes with shyness - either accept who you are right now, and count on finding someone that will like you, or just change. Not that I am encouraging drug use, but I've yet to see a drunk shy person*. Also if you are sexually unconfortable with women, you can go to a prostitute and experiment, without the fear of humiliation and social pressures. * In case someone misunderstands me - i personally despise people abusing alcohol. There is nothing attractive or beautifull in someone passed out in his own vomit. However in moderate consumption alcohol can lift many social barriers between people and make them more talkative and open.
  20. Well, there seems to be much doubt amognst people about this particular unprovable statement.
  21. An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third orders a quarter of a beer. Before the next one can order, the bartender says, “You’re all assholes,” and pours two beers.
  22. vordhosbn

    Solar Sailing

    Does a sailboat needs to travel always to the direction of the wind?
  23. vordhosbn

    Solar Sailing

    But isn't it more likely for the solar sail to heat up to vaporization, rather than be accelerated by the solar wind?
  24. Hmmm, sorry if I go a little offtopic, but is there a difference between the relativistic mass and the energy momentum. Untill now, I had the vague idea, that the former was essentialy the latter in perspective of relativity...
  25. What i don't like about Earth? Well, for one, it's full of people!
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