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Jimmy Ray

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Everything posted by Jimmy Ray

  1. Maybe I should have asked: From the perspective of the people on the ship travelling at 99.99% the speed of light, in one year for them how many light years would they travel, also how many years would it have been for the people left on the earth. I would really like to know the answer to this or even how you can figure this out for yourself.
  2. If for example a star that you want to travel to is 28 million light years away. From the perspective of the people travelling on the ship, travelling at 99.99% the speed of light. Would it take 28 million light years to get there or a much shorted time. It would be 28 million years for those of us on earth not travelling though right? Thanks
  3. thanks for clearing that up
  4. what do you think of this? http://bitsofnews.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3255 how possible is this? a long way off?
  5. Sci-Fi and Fantasy are my fav to read. Here are a few greats. Fantasy: J.R.R Tolkien Robert Jordan Sci-Fi: Robert Heinlein Isaac Asimov
  6. It seems clear that a super-massive structure sitting atop the earth would be much more problems that it would be worth. thanks Jimmy Ray
  7. the reason for the mile thick seal around the earth is that somewhere in the past (of the dream) earth lost its electromagnetic field, so they built the bio-sphere (thats what i call it) to hold in earths natural resources. also it is a form of protection against WMD. years went by and the started building big building/mountain in the polar region as the first building above the bio-sphere. therefore the first with windows. so at the time of the dream the atmostphere was completly gone. it may have been around the year 10 000. i am considering writting a sci-fi novel about so i'm trying to figure out if something like this would even be possible. i don't want a story that is too far fetched. jimmy ray
  8. The reason I ask is I had a dream about a future earth that looked the way i mentioned in my last post. i was wondering if it were even a possibility. any insights would be welcomed
  9. What would happen if you covered the entire earth with a mile thick layer of say rock or steel (possibly material collected from the asteroid belt or other moons/planets) then built a giant, structure on the north pole area. this structure would be large enough to easily see from space. Large like 1/3 the height of the earth added on top. A giant mountain more than a building. Anyone want to wager a guess what if anything would happen regaurding gravity, orbit, rotation or anything else. Thanks from Jimmy Ray
  10. I appreciate your clarification Locrian, I am a novice when it comes to understanding this stuff. Thanks to all of you for your imput as well. Jimmy Ray
  11. I'm new to this so bear with me. As i understand it all matter is, is lots of tightly compacted energy. so there is lots of energy in everyday objects. this is the basis for nuclear energy and nuclear bombs. they use uranium because it has the largest nucleus. but it has the downfall of all the unwanted radiation. so my question really is: Why can't we use something other than uranium, like maybe limestone or iron and take the energy out of that? maybe we could even use things we would be putting in a landfill? if everything is just energy anyways we should be able to get energy out of anything? thanks for any insight Jimmy Ray
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