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Everything posted by Shadeofhisheart

  1. well i am stressed..my husband is deployed to iraq, it is our first deployment, you think that is it? just stress?
  2. i know that this question has already been asked but i have done some research and i just cant figure it out.. i have just recently (the past two weeks) become obsessed with the smell of rubbing alcohol and a wet sponge. i always liked the smell of alcohol but this is out of hand. i cant stop thinking about either of them, i will take showers just to smell the sponge over and over again. and i carry a bottle of alcohol with me everwhere i read somewhere that it is a common thing for pregnant women but..my husband is in iraq, i cant be pregnant. i also read something about iron deficiency but i donate blood all the time and never once has my iron level been out of whack. so what could it be?
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