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Everything posted by alt_f13

  1. Since modern technology has a cure for such a thing in regards to light, I could see little trouble in coming up with a solution for the case you mentioned. The device would need some way of focusing the gravitational pull so as to project the effects on several sensors in order to determine direction of the pull, like eyes. It could be done like sonar instead, but the resulting picture would be just as poor as what sonar yields. Or what? Could this idea be possible?
  2. Think it would be possible to make some sort of extremely sensitive gravity sensing device that could image gravity fields like the way we can image electromagnetic and sound fields now? A monochromatic view of the world based on the ammount of pull it has on the detector. Imagine looking at the stars with that!
  3. I hope your brains don't explode when you find out gravity also acts on a lag.
  4. I'm with glider on this. It was all in my head, as I forced myself out of it when I realised what was going on. Any clue as to why trying to distinguish backround noise from all the plainly discernable sounds could bring something like that on? At least that's what seemed to cause it. My last thought seemed to be "why can't I do this," then everything went wierd. Also, is this common to many people? Should it happen again or might it have been an isolated incident?
  5. !
  6. Man, that post was a quote for the best quotes ever thread.
  7. worst episode ever.
  8. Yeah, ramst is kinda neat. As is Rob Zombie, in some cases. And Marilyn Manson. And "Right Here Right Now" by Fatboy slim. "my goodies, my goodies..." still listinin...
  9. Anything electronic, including most urban tracks, 'cause it's all electronic now, let's face it. Classical is also good. Who likes that Goodies song? I love that club feel. "my goodies, my goodies..." ...yeah
  10. I work in a mall, where it can get extremely noisy sometimes. A few days ago I tried listening to the white noise created by all the random happenings around the mall, shutting off all the immediately definable noises. Right at that instant I felt extremely scared, got tunnel vision and couldn't really focus on anything. It's what I would imagine sensory overload feeling like, with my whole body starting to tingle, especially my head and spinal area, and a very strange 'electrical' sensation in my head. I realised something really odd was happening and just focused hard on what was in front of me for a second and I snapped out of it instantly. I know that if I didn't, I would probably have freaked out then and there. -- To anyone who has had panic attacks, does that sound like the making of one? And to anyone with any knowledge of the subject, what actually happenned there? Could it really have been sensory overload?
  11. Toxic Avenger all the way.
  12. Toxic Avenger all the way.
  13. Once I fell asleep with this chick using my arm as a pillow... and the entire left side of my body kindof did that. No falling feeling, just the spasm when I had virtually no feeling left in my arm. I think I did it a few times. Funny thing is, I dunno if she caught on to it being her fault, so I think she thought I was crazy. Anyway, why does my arm losing circulation cause my whole body to flip out? My dad once ran headlong into a wall whilst sleeping and never woke up... I mean he kept running in bed smacking into the wall for several seconds, not that he died.
  14. Once I fell asleep with this chick using my arm as a pillow... and the entire left side of my body kindof did that. No falling feeling, just the spasm when I had virtually no feeling left in my arm. I think I did it a few times. Funny thing is, I dunno if she caught on to it being her fault, so I think she thought I was crazy. Anyway, why does my arm losing circulation cause my whole body to flip out? My dad once ran headlong into a wall whilst sleeping and never woke up... I mean he kept running in bed smacking into the wall for several seconds, not that he died.
  15. That wasn't very nice.
  16. That wasn't very nice.
  17. I'd bring back my cat, in lobster form.
  18. I'd bring back my cat, in lobster form.
  19. Why would you imediately die when your head is chopped off? Unless the shock of losing much of the nervous system kills the brain, I don't think there is any reason to suggest the brain ceases to function until all the oxygen in the blood is completely gone and the brain no longer has the tools it needs to function. And knowing how the brain works has nothing to do with knowing how to create AI, besides the fact that simmillar methods are used for processing data in a computer chip as the human brain, Kylonicus. Artificial intelligence is just that - intelligence that is artificial, not computer that is squishy.
  20. Why would you imediately die when your head is chopped off? Unless the shock of losing much of the nervous system kills the brain, I don't think there is any reason to suggest the brain ceases to function until all the oxygen in the blood is completely gone and the brain no longer has the tools it needs to function. And knowing how the brain works has nothing to do with knowing how to create AI, besides the fact that simmillar methods are used for processing data in a computer chip as the human brain, Kylonicus. Artificial intelligence is just that - intelligence that is artificial, not computer that is squishy.
  21. I agree, but I would still rather know what his threory is before bashing it. Based on the way he advertises himself, he'll probably turn out to be another misguided pseudoscientist, but we still haven't seen his threory yet.
  22. Mathematically, yes. [edit] And yes, when an atomic clock was launched into space, just the relatively low speed by which it travelled actually let it experience time at a "faster" pace than we did here. When it arrived back, it was several milliseconds "in the future" by its own viewpoint (ie, milliseconds ahead to us).
  23. I think it's cool. I'd buy it... Well, I'd download a copy of it off P2P anyway... If I had P2P... but I hate those. Anyway... I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't knock something (or promote something) that you can't back up using science. I can't, so I shant. But it would be nice if someone did. Just calling his claim rubbish makes just about as much sense as preaching it, if you have no clue what it's about. So read it, rather than rock it, and tell us what you think AFTER. BTW, you can't believe something you haven't read yet...
  24. I'm pretty sure it's just lens flare, but in your eyes.
  25. If that ain't a whole lotta speculation, I don't know what is. And KHinfcube22: You sure can have speed, distance and time without depth, as clearly shown by the mouse moving accross my screen... So why can't we have distance without time? I mean, if time stopped, I'd still be 6 feet tall, but wouldn't be going anywhere. And I think we can measure time using vectors. Imagine a point in space, at (3,4,5) at time (0). It could be represented as (3,4,5,0). Now it sits there for a second, leaving it at (3,4,5,1). Super. Now it moves one unit on x dimension over a period of one second; (4,4,5,2). The point turned into a 2 dimensional shape, but on a plane we can only experience as motion. [(3,4,5,0),(4,4,5,2)].
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