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Everything posted by alt_f13

  1. Awesome, thanks. But I still have no idea how that is possible in practice. Clues?
  2. So we must be in the advanced stages of physical understanding, and have ceased experimentation. No, not new and untested... Old and unproveable. We seem close to an answer, but while we have adequate explanations for what we can see, there is so much that we cannot see, it wouldn't take much to convince me that we know very little about the true nature of the universe; tip of the iceberg, so to speak... but that's a topic for another thread. I'm still not clear on what oscillates in EM fields. Is it field strength?
  3. What's the complex part? What are limits used for?
  4. I would swear that ever since I drove in my cousin's car with the bass turned up way too loud for about an hour, bass has never sounded as loud since. I've heard about going deaf in other frequency ranges, but not deep bass (20-70 hz or so). Is this possible?
  5. Could someone explain to me how a photon will always move at 300 grand regardless of the velocity of the reference frame it is observed from? I forgot what my hs physics teacher told me.
  6. I would aggree with this completely until someone starts up about light having wavelike properties as opposed to being photons. That is where I have trouble with it. But it is still a very experimental area of science, so I don't believe there is a firm answer to this as of yet.
  7. What is lim? [edit] And how did you get to the second step, dave, if you don't mind explaining it quickly.
  8. Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM. (It's a snake.) http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/
  9. Dictionary.com wave: "A disturbance traveling through a medium by which energy is transferred from one particle of the medium to another without causing any permanent displacement of the medium itself. " That's how I always think of waves... but I still cannot catch on to what a wave travels on if not particles. How is the energy transfered? Sound, fine; coduction, fine; but light waves? I don't know how else to phrase the question but I am not really getting the answer I want. I don't really care what light is, wave or not, I want to know what a wave is if not particles or a formulaic disturbance directly on some medium. How can you have a wave w/o a medium? (a wave being the definition above) Is the answer "I don't know," or what?
  10. = spam = stab = blood
  11. I would, except when people describe light as exhibiting "wave like properties", which suggests to me that light is a function of something other than particles. If light is made of particles.. then it is made of particles, but then why describe it as something other than photons moving in wave like patterns? Why describe light as a wave?
  12. I can control those damned ear sounds, unless it is completely quiet where I am because that is natural noise which you can't get rid of. It's just like the noise* in your eyes when you shut them.... In any case, I can control the sound ones when they get too loud just by willing them away. *White noise...which is in fact made of colors.
  13. Sorry if I'm way off in this... but doesn't creationism prompt the exact same question it is meant to answer, in that there needs to be an origin for that which created life on earth? If not, I will voluntarily squeeze lemons into my eyes. [edit] ...and then do the same to whomever says 'no.'
  14. They are 6 spacial dimensions all wrapped up. They exist on a tiny level. Look up calibi yau dimensions and check this out: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html
  15. M Theory is THE string theory. It's probably the same one you were talking about... anyway, I stopped typing and read for a moment during the post.
  16. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Zenos-paradoxes [edit] <--- teehee. If zero time passes, then zero movement happens as movement is distance/time... so that is a silly paradox.
  17. Damn you and your fast typing :S Oh yah... whats the last dimension in M Theory Jordan?
  18. They are there only to allow for the mathematical explanation of our universe as per some theories. Different theories need different ammounts of dimensions in order to work mathematically. For example, M Theory requires 3 spacial dimensions, one temporal dimension and 6 Calabi-Yau dimensions rolled up into tiny little balls, one per unit of space.
  19. Dude, you're fired.
  20. He only really mentioned an atom, which would not materialize. I know he said something about small particles, but I don't think he meant the smallest of particles. But I think his point was that there must be a cause for particles to appear. Read on... he talks of an eternal being.. there's not much science in there.
  21. http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/physics/u8b3phy.html There is an equation in there you do backwards to get half life from decay. This is where you use those measurements.
  22. Find the radiation now and then in a year. You can now find the difference and use that to determine how long it takes to deminish by half. I think you have to find a ratio between the two measurements.. but I haven't done this for a couple years.
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