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Everything posted by alt_f13

  1. Yah, I get small random hallucinations late at night as well. I think those are just microsleeps with accompanying microdreams.
  2. You know that feeling when you are right between awake and sleep? When your dreams are most vivid and vibrant? Sometimes it's called the trance state or hyper-concentration. Anyway, sometimes I find that I can almost force myself into that state from sleep or wakefulness but it's very hard. I was just wondering if any of you are able to do this effectively and how you do it.. barring illegal drugs... legal ones are fine I just find this state to be extremely useful for coming up with melodies or beats for my tunes. (BTW, I'll be releasing a song onto my site in a couple hours that I did after a night of drinking between the hours of 4 and 6 in the morning. I was pretty much in a trance state that whole time. Download "5 AM Synergy" if you're interested. www.djglacial.com)
  3. Hey, hey!! Does light travel at the cosmic speed limit because it has no mass??? So it takes 0 energy to make it move (or something along those lines)? And while I'm at at, how come sound has a speed limit? What is the fastest sound can travel in the densest material tested, roughly?
  4. alt_f13

    Things I ponder

    Exactly. I was making the point that vocal cords are a small part of the system. "Sing from the stomach," my gr 4 music teacher used to say. When you project sound you tend to use more mouth.
  5. alt_f13


    E=mc^2... If I were to convert photons to, say, electrons, would the gravity of the resultant electrons equal the gravity of the non coverted photons? Assume the conversion was 100% efficient.
  6. Creationism was thought up in a time when they wiped their arses with their left hands. Now, toilet paper wasn't all that hard to come up with. That's gotta say something about the minds that came up with Creationism. It's about as lazy and rudimentary as the notion that babies came from the cabbage patch. A simple, false explanation for simple people from a simple time, both resoundingly unsubstantiated and obsolete by the standards of today. I suppose Creationism works for people who cannot handle the complexities of evolution ( oh my, improvement of the species, I'd rather eat raw meat and live by the 10 commandments whose sole purpose was to direct complete and utter idiots in their everyday lives by threatening self-destructive behavior with *concequences* [ apperently those people didn't understand the concept of action-reaction so the smart people had to set out guidelines for non destructive living] ) Notice how most criminals are either stupid or have mental imbalances. That's who the 10 commandments were created for. (Note to self: lighten up.)
  7. Damnit, now, even if there was a lower level universe, where the hell did that come from? Why exactly are people looking towards lower level universes to explain the existance of our own, when the lower level universes are equally as unlikely?
  8. Waaaaat? They say time as a dimension was created during the big bang. I'm saying, when did the big bang happen if there was no time to start with... I'm really starting to dislike the big bang.. it's the bogey man of physics, like god. All great and all powerful, completely unproveable. Discover the essence of the universe and you discover the source of the universe, I say. The rest is pure speculation. Yah, I think so.
  9. Imagine calculating the movements of all the energy in the universe vs the energy we can measure... we've just found a loophole in the programming where we can predict the existence of particles that have not been created. If I'm not back tomorrow, they've deleted me. Tell the world.
  10. Damn rights. Thanks for clarifying. About that wave caused by the sudden loss of gravitational pull. I would assume there would be a peak and trough, where gravity is at its maximum, and some sort of antigravitational force. What do you think? Hmm.. negative gravity...
  11. alt_f13

    Things I ponder

    You don't need to see what the vocal cords are doing when you can hear it... after all, the vibration of the air is a direct result of the vibration of the vocal cords... just think about how hard it would be to analyze the picture of the vocal cords in comparison to an osciloscope. Either way, what is projected, in terms of inflection and accent, have little to do with the delivery system when you think about it. Use speakers instead of vocal cords and you get the same result, sound. And many artists sing with their accents, it's just harder to detect. Listen to Enrique vs the Beatles vs NSync, their accents become very apparent. Hmm. Going to watch a Shakira vid. Muted.
  12. I met a man named Dick Burnes today. Didn't know whether I should laugh or cry. I did both. Oh, and my real name isn't Mr. Sexy.
  13. Booooriiiing. I never drink the same thing twice... well, until I run out of beers and premixed drinks. If you like beer and/or coolers ( I don't like coolers personally ) try Lambic Ale if you come accross it. It is amazing. Think fruit flavored beer, amber kind of thickness.
  14. Not a kid here.
  15. Aha! Light only travels when there are observers because the computer program we all reside in does not have access to the power needed to calculate all the light all the time. 0_o
  16. alt_f13


    Okay, I get the units... but I still don't understand how a massless particle can have momentum... also, how does a photon affect gravity w/o mass? [edit] Is there a 0kg * infinite something in that equation? (Yah, sory bout the lower level fizziks, I skipt skule and went strate to jeenyus)
  17. Movement is described as a change in position over a change in time, so how can you have movement without time?
  18. I'm pretty sure there would be a delay, as well as a large spacetime wave. Newtonian gravity predicted an immediate change, whereas Einstein's model did not.
  19. Yah, I was joking, actually. Look at the grammar
  20. This is best described as drink of the gods... it's basically beer which sits in an open vat with fermenting fruit. It's the best drink. Ever. Why haven't the liquor store people even heard of it??? Oh, and who's had Mamajuana before? Also really good. It's rum with honey and "herbs" in it... I say "herbs" because it contains traces of turtle penis.
  21. alt_f13


    How does a photon have momentum w/o mass? I don't know what lambda etc. means in the equation...
  22. Haha yah, I think so... Aren't density units kg/m^3 ? 1 does not make sense on its own... thats like saying "What's the distance between Beetleguise and Uranus?" "6"
  23. alt_f13


    What is the greatest efficiency of a mirror to date? It would be nifty to sustain a laser inside a reflective box for a sizeable ammount of time... but there can't be much use for such an application. It would be hard/impossible to measure without losing some of the light too, would it not?
  24. So that really did happen? Awesome.
  25. So, essentially, you are telling me that if I went on a journey through a wormhole to a distance not possibly reachable by sub-luminal speeds, rendering my average velocity above the speed of light, that it was most likely imaginary?
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