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Everything posted by alt_f13

  1. You are currently all on my enemy list. Have a gneiss day.
  2. alt_f13


    You will break.
  3. Okay, okay. I wasn't trying to prove that!!! Gamma ray bursts seen from the edges of the universe have to be pretty huge! In the book Aliens by Andrew Clark and David Clark they discuss the search for ETs and mention gamma ray bursts with the potential to kill everything within a galaxy. I was merely clarifying what it was I meant with those sites, not trying to prove the galaxy would be destroyed. It was one comment that came from one book I happenned to be reading at the time. Maybe the galaxy would be wiped out, maybe not. I wasn't the first to say it and frankly have no futher interest. Next time, if a post seems ambiguous to you, please o please ask for clarification or source material before trying to shut someone down over a one sentence side comment. I'll try my best to make my meanings more clear... but I guess that means no more side comments.
  4. Well the Matrix really didn't need any sequels at all, but the ending was rather open ended. There were so many loose threads, and although they could have been left up to speculation, I prefered having it explained. It lets you guess at the nature of everything, but also gives you its own interpretation. For example, who was the oracle? How could she predict the future? Why was Neo able to do all this so well? You always discovered new things about the matrix world and are always left with new questions. I'm liking how Morhpeus thinks its the year 2200 or so, but there have been 6 cycles in the matrix, all of them ending with 23 people to restart Zion. With a population of 20000 or whatever, Zion is several generations old times six. So this movie is actually set in the far far future. Also, is there a whole planet of people in the Matrix, or just a huge city? All the evidence I've seen points to just one city. That is extremely intriguing. And in the end of M:R.. what the hell was that? I REALLY want to see the third after that. It sounds to me like the 13th floor. Matrix inside the Matrix. Plus I wanted to see Zion. That in itself was worth the production time for me. So whether I am demanding or not, the movies work for me and are my favs of all time. I like everything about them. Neo-gothic, post-appocoliptic style; the fact that hackers make up much of the rebel force (implying the the world is going to be nerdified if not run by people with a certain cyber-affinity); awesome music (Fluke - Zion w00t); phylosophy of a multilayered, cyclic existence with a single unified solution; the insane ammount of symbolism. Like I said, it is as if it was written for me. And Keanu and Carrie-Anne are both Canadian!!
  5. alt_f13


    LOL Actually I just got a little carried away. Hell, if you don't use it I will!
  6. alt_f13


    He ate a thesaurus! I thought that was hillarious. We clearly have a difference in taste.
  7. alt_f13


  8. I don't see it that way at all. I loved every moment of those movies. I actually cannot see what you mean by cop-out or excuse...
  9. The theme and story do it for me. Everything else is gravy so irregardless of all that M:R will remain my fav movie for a while. Why o' why do you try and break my spirit so? è_é
  10. "mysterious bursts of gamma rays from the far reaches of the Universe" "Its four-year mission is to investigate the most powerful explosions in the Universe since the Big Bang." "collision of two black holes or a particular type of star explosion called a hypernova." Sayo was talking about a "a stream of gamma radiation " when I clearly said gamma explosions. They are huge explosions. They are not gamma ray streams. They can be attributed to black hole collisions or hypernovae. They are the biggest explosions since the big bang. That's all I was trying to prove. Here's more http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l2/model_bursts.html
  11. LOL M:R has my favorite song in it and, to me at least, its fight scenes were far superior to any movie I have ever seen. I like the fact that guns were not used much because Neo and the agents were pretty much immune.
  12. I don't think I was talking about this. I will look for it. It has been documented, seen in other galaxies. Edit - found it: Hypernovae and black hole collisions. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/963658.stm
  13. When I move to Mars, I envite all of you to come with me.
  14. Matrix Reloaded is my favorite movie of all time. It was like they jammed a 4 inch needle in the back of my skill, downloaded everything that makes me happy and made a movie out of it. Morpheus is the man. That sword stuff was rad. The Neo pole fight was insane. And the white room... I'm fairly sure the brothers ODed on some hallucinogen or other before coming up with that plot. No kidding. All in all, Matrix rocked every movie I have ever seen... until Reloaded. - Revolutionary in every single aspect. Cant wait till Revolutions...mmm...
  15. alt_f13


    That whole fancy soup thing is hillarious. Watch them all!
  16. alt_f13


    http://www.djglacial.com/test/misc/avatar2.jpg Here you go!!! Amazon, strong and beautiful all at the same time! To add it, if you choose it, go to User CP from the top menu, go to Edit Options and at the bottom of the page there is a button that says change avatar. Click that and at the bottom you should have a space to paste URL. Copy the address I gave and paste it into the box. There is a dot you have to click that says youre using custom icon. CLick that and click Submit Modifications. Bye.
  17. So I was standing in the kitchen throwing magnets at my fridge this morning (yep, still unemployed), and I found that 1) When I through the magnet rotating along the axis of motion in the counter-clockwise direction, it accelerated left as it neared the fridge and 2) When rotating clockwise it accelerated right. Is this caused by a change in flux, or some other force? I ask because the change in direction is rather dramatic for a magnet the size and shape of a business card flying at a fridge. The magnet weighs 1g BTW. Ain't heavy.
  18. This seems related to what I was going to say. There is such thing as psychic ability, and "extra-sensory" intuition, but not to the extent of Miss Cleo, dead talker man and the like. ("I'm hearing a D, devon, donna, dillweed." That guy is rediculous.) It has been said that some animals, particularly those that enhabit the African plains, have high psychic ability. I have a feeling that psychic abilities are a very primeval set of senses, used mostly for reactionary purposes, and are manifested now in only the most simple ways. Our senses have not evolved all that much since humanities induction into the world, and are still very primitive. Why should psychic affinity be any different? It could be like our noses, compared to dogs' noses: they work, but are not all that useful at all. Woman seem to have more "superhuman" like abilities than men, like the ability to see a wider spectrum of color, whilst many men are color blind. This has been proven. And it seems to that this is the case for psychic ability as well. There is a far higher number woman who claim to have psychic ability or sensations than men, publisized and otherwise, and that dead talker man does seem rather effeminate. These are the reasons I strongly believe in psychic ability, and why I wouldn't trust a gypsie. I am also willing to bet that psychic like abilities come from more than one set of senses. I think many telepathic type abilities come from one persons brainwaves being sensed by another person. Some people may have higher sensetivity or may transmit at higher amplitudes, which could explain why intense or obvious instances are low, but why I, say, have thought exactly what someone was about to say on several occasions. è_é
  19. Ha, thats awesome. Maybe thats how the space cameras work What you said before that's pretty much what I meant the entire time.
  20. When your arm goes numb at night it's probably lost circulation. It comes back ->after<- you wake up because you brought the circulation back. Next time it happens to me I'm turning the light on to see what color it is. You might have pinched a nerve in your thumb though. I've done that before and it was numb for a long time too. I think I hit it on something or got it caught in something. Not too sure.
  21. One thing's for certain... you better hope space-time distortion doesn't allow for your safe journey to the brink. Immagine an eternity of knowing you are right about to die.
  22. Okay then, so what do I call time if not a dimension? Or is this one of those "time doesn't exist theories"? I'll look it up.
  23. alt_f13

    grr school

    wake up... stuff... brush teeth... look for job... just barely... scienceforums....fall down... stay there...
  24. Are there 4 spacial dimensions?
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