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  • Lepton

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  1. well yeah a motor works on the same basics the diffrence is the motor needs fule... its hard to explain my idea with words honestly, but ille try. Think of two balls on springs aimed at each other and let go. they would bounce but eventually stop now if you put reppelling magnets on the ball they would still eventually stop and spin around each other. now to solve that problem we replace one of the balls with a magnetic wall, of course the ball still stops suspended from the wall after a few bounces but what if we put the wall on springs so when the ball hit it it gose back just aliitle bit at that point the ball would in theory bounce forever because if it slowed the fact the wall would go forward faster than ball would make the ball go again
  2. wouldn't you eventually die of old age in every dimmension though? and what about dying instantlyyou would see it or at least a 30fps of it. so to be honest you can never see all of anything because you only see evry 30th of a second...
  3. kind of related to the idea of the generator im building but i may have came up with a new theory on motion okay from what I can tell perpetuall motion is the idea something will stay at the same pace and will keep going forever, of course this idea is crushed by the real life physics of gravity and friction my idea is befor the speed of an object hits zero it is applied more speed so that it constantly is moving just not at a constant speed can anyone tell me of any errors i have on this so i know or if anyone already had this idea so i know gonna calll this perpettual propulsion for the moment because the idea is the fact its slowing down that speeds it up, kind of like how when a shower gets to hot something expands making less fow for hot water and keeps it from constanly heating please respond....kookeh:-)
  4. lol what if it is till in the testing stages, or if it makes210 volts then it could only power there oven and mabey the stove talking about distributed energy voltage
  5. so your implying something not moving but still in time would have a untapped energy I think that would be gravity the only thing I can say to that is mabey you have to keep in mind that everything we know of is moving because all particles move and all electrons move around the nuecleus(correct spelling?) of an atom nice weird theory although im somewhat lost what I'm getting out of it is that everything must have a potential energy that is based not just on mass or speed but on the fact that it is in time unfortunatly we cannot test that without a time machine wow did I just say all that out of shear stupidity or dose that make sense to anyone else
  6. okay first off hi this is my first post I came here bcause I intend to make a new type of generator that no one has ever built and I have some questions that would be very usefull to know befor we start trying to make it most of the stuff is easy to test but we currently have no matterials to do so. I geuss my first qeustion is if you have a weak magnet and a stronger magnet the weak magnet gose torwards the stronger one however if the weak magnet is made to be immobal will the stronger magnet move torwards it? I know this is a stupid question and probably the answer is yes but still I would like to check befor hand and make sure. Also it may change the answer that the weaker magnet is an electro magnet and the stronger magnet is a neodymium. Then I have my questions about electromagnets in general as the last time I worked with one was third grade. dose the coils end have to be around the electromagnet? and dose it consume the electrcal energy to magnitize the electromagnet? I geuss an example of that since I worded that weird would be if i had a wire from a battery then wrapped around an iron bar then to a lightbulb then back to the battery would anything happen.... thanks in advanced for answering my questions.... also is the time an electromagnet is off and it demagnetizes itself instant becuse I have heard it is and also that it isnt and if it isnt is it relative to size or charge? thanks again
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