Thanks for all the input…
Who’d have thought slime mould could be so beautiful?! Amazing pics/closeups. The ‘in situ’ images were the most useful for my purpose but I couldn’t see anything that looked like what’s outside my house… I thought the maggoty looking white one might be it, but it doesn't develop into a clear liquidy goo…unless the goo’s a by product of spore activity that isn’t photographed/on the site(?) I dunno. Slime mould is the best theory yet though.
If you’re standing at my front door, looking down towards the pavement, it looks like a spidery yet blobby, flat splat of raw egg white, quite liquidy and shiny.… In it’s centre is the pavement crack/hole (as in the goo looks as if it’s coming up from under the pavement). If you kneel down and look closely, in the bottom/centre of it is a greeny yellow slimy, more solid thing that looks exactly like part of a scaly slug body, but now may indeed not be…. Mmm, the plot thickens.
A photo will help. I’ll take one tomorrow, in the daylight. Not sure if I’ll be able to get a clear/magnified enough shot of cenral-sluggy bit, but I’ll give it a go. Depends on clouds/light too. Not very familiar with digi camera/downloading pics yet, do I have to save the pic in a particular size or format (jpegs and all that?)for it to go on the Net? Or will I plug the camera in and will it kinda work/be obvious? It can’t be that difficult (!?), will try tomorrow, tired. If any handy hints come to mind in the meantime….
Cool signatures by the way : )