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  1. So no one knows genetics?
  2. "Three genes (A, B, C) are all on the same chromosome. A is 10 map (cM) units to the left of B, and C is 20 map units to the right of B. A triple heterozygote (ABC/abc) is testcrossed to a tripple recessive (abc/abc). What will be the frequency of each gamete?" This is what I figured so far: ABC abc x abc abc Gametes: ABC (parental) abc (parental) Abc (single recombination) aBC (single recomb) AbC (double recomb) aBc (double recomb) ABc (single recomb) abC (single recomb) If the distance between A and B is 10, and B and C is 20, then if I were to make a theoretical TOTAL population be 1000, then I KNOW that Abc, aBC, AbC, aBc have an overall population size of 100, since you add up the number of offspring that have these gamets and divide by total population size (1000). AbC, ABc, ABc, abC have an overall population size of 200. Therefore, I know the parentals have an overall population of 800. KNOWING THIS, HOW DO I FIND THE FREQUENCY OF EACH GAMETE?
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