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Everything posted by dragono

  1. I really need help on accelerated chemistry (11th grade). The question is: What is the final temperature of water if the initial temperature is 280k and it's heat content is 350.00 kJ and 36,000 Nm of work is performed on it by compression? I have no clue how to do it and any help would be greatly apperciated!
  2. I just resently got a new kennsington mouse and after I installed the drivers it COMPLETLY SCREWED UP MY COMPUTER. Now when I try to go on the Internet it times out, even when I try to connect through a proxy. My sygate firewall will not start. The mouse is way to sensitive on everything but the desktop. The floopy drive doesn't work. System restore does not work (I tried mulitple points) I have tried my old mouse on the computer (it thinks it's the new mouse), tried uninstalling the mouse drivers (didn't help), tried scan disk, defrag, antivirus and antispyware scans (did nothing), and tried the Internet with the same modem on a different computer (it works fine). My comp is a: Windows XP (service pack 2) AMD 3000 XP Nforce 3 motherboard 1 gig ram 200 gig hard drive Floopy, DVD/CD drives Gforce 5700 256mb graphics card and was working perfectly fine for 3 months before I installed the new mouse drivers.
  3. Every organism is aways evolving, so why did we think we were different?
  4. I heard it was strangly mild in deaths and damage and the newspaper called it the shadow of a monster :/
  5. Okay I'm new to the forum (hello all) and I really need help on accelerated chemistry (11th grade). The question is: What is the final temperature of water if the initial temperature is 280k and it's heat content is 350.00 kJ and 36,000 Nm of work is performed on it by compression? I have no clue how to do it and any help would be greatly apperciated! EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see the homework help forum, I'll post it there...
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