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Everything posted by JonM

  1. This Buddhism site suggests that there is evidence to support reincarnation…. http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/qanda05.htm here are some highlights: Question: How does the mind go from one body to another? Answer: Think of it being like radio waves. The radio waves, which are not made up of words and music but energy at different frequencies, are transmitted, travel through space, are attracted to and picked up by the receiver from where they are broadcast as words and music. It is the same with the mind. At death, mental energy travels through space, is attracted to and picked up by the fertilized egg. As the embryo grows, it centers itself in the brain from where it later "broadcasts" itself as the new personality. -------- Question: You have talked a lot about rebirth but is there any proof that we are reborn when we die? Answer: Not only is there scientific evidence to support the Buddhist belief in rebirth, it is the only after-life theory that has any evidence to support it. … For example, in England, a 5 year-old girl said she could remember her "other mother and father" and she talked vividly about what sounded like the events in the life of another person. Parapsychologists were called in and they asked her hundreds of questions to which she gave answers. She spoke of living in a particular village in what appeared to be Spain, she gave the name of the village, the name of the street she lived in, her neighbors' names and details about her everyday life there. She also fearfully spoke of how she had been struck by a car and died of her injuries two days later. When these details were checked, they were found to be accurate. There was a village in Spain with the name the five-year-old girl had given. There was a house of the type she had described in the street she had named. What is more, it was found that a 23-year-old woman living in the house had been killed in a car accident five years before. …. Ok so now I am not saying I believe that story, (or the supposed other stories they refer too if you click the link) But it does make some sense and I was wonder what your take on this would be? Energy cannot be created or destroyed, so where does our mental energy go?
  2. http://www.muchosucko.com/video-magicbubble.html ??? (ps the site may have inappropriate advertisements or whatever so... NSFW, its one of those stupid video sites)
  3. True, the fact is even in a million years we have no idea what will be possible, much less a billion. So our thoughts are so primitive it doesnt even matter
  4. so whats the answer?
  5. Also earth isn't a perfect sphere, and I would imagine most other planets arent either
  6. Science and technology will be able to first take us away from our sun, then either stop the expansion of universe or transport us into our own custom made universe. The former probably more plausible than the latter, not because it wont be possible to create a custom universe, but because it would be hard to get into it. And when I say us of course I mean whatever the hell our species will evolve into by then. So dont worry On another note with nanotechnology, the internet, and whatever else, the young generation, my generation, will see the greatest social and technological changes in our lifespan than any other generation before us. The next 60 years are going to be pretty wild.
  7. Quoted from Wiki so theres no confusion.. "However, the observable universe, consisting of all locations that could have affected us since the Big Bang given the finite speed of light, is certainly finite. The edge of the cosmic light horizon is 13.7 billion light years distant. The present distance (comoving distance) to the edge of the observable universe is larger, since the universe has been expanding; it is estimated to be about 78 billion light years (7.8 × 1010 light years, or 7.4 × 1023 km). This would make the comoving volume, of the known universe, equal to 1.9 × 1033 cubic light years (assuming this region is perfectly spherical). The observable universe contains about 7 × 1022 stars, organized in about 10 billion galaxies, which themselves form clusters and superclusters. The number of galaxies may be even larger, based on the Hubble Deep Field observed with the Hubble Space Telescope." This was what I was referring to in my first statement. And going by this I can assume that there probably isn’t an earth billions of light years away with someone that looks exactly me typing this question right now. As my understanding of infinity goes, then there is an infinite number of people that look like my typing what I am typing right now. That what is occurring at this millisecond has occurred at every millisecond to every exist and at an infinite amount of times. Now going back to Mobius, I understand what your saying. But I still feel infinite possibilities in a certain system would cause destruction of that system? No?
  8. Now I know our universe isn’t infinite, however from what I understand about M-Theory the 11th dimension contains an infinite number of p-branes. Now many think that these p-branes each contain a universe (each with a different set of physics etc) But how could this infinity be possible? Then that would leave the absolute possibility that something would arise that would destroy everything, thus nothing would be possible. (Unless these infinite universe follow a set of rules) Now I could be wrong in my understanding of the M-theory (and if I am please correct me), but my question applies to any theory about multiverses or a system in which there is infinity… I don’t see how infinity in the sense I am describing is possible? Infinity would cause non-existence? It’s the opposite of existence, the opposite of everything? No? EDIT: (sorry I think this might be in the wrong forum)
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