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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Yes.. whell take alook at my next sentence. Sucked out into the vacuum outside our atmosphere - as in not directly from Earh, but from a space ship.
  2. I did exactly the same thing
  3. I did not say that.
  4. Sucked out into space as in into the vacuum outside our atmosphere. For instance a rocket gets a hole in it and the air gets sucked out.
  5. Ok, these qestions have been haunting me for a whine and I would like some ansures... soo here they are: 1. I know that "warmth" is the vibrations of molecules/atoms, the faster they vibrate, the warmer it is, but what's sound? Is it also the molecules vibrating? If it is then why does'nt it get warmer when I play loud music and why cant I hear cold and warmth (whell the ansure to that might be that humans can only hear from 20 - 20kHz) 2. How can there be "cold wind"? The wind molecules move at great speed, yet they are cold... 3. When I shake my hand at my face, then the air gets colder, why? I make the molecules move faster by shaking my hand, soo why does it get colder? 4. Is it true that the colder air is, the slower it is sucked out into spece, as the molecules move slower.
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