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  1. Thanks for the replies guys. Just a quick question Mr. Skeptic. What do you mean by radiator? Do you mean a hotplate?
  2. Hi, im new to these forums and I figured I should come onto here and ask some of my questions on here. So recently (Not for school or anything just for a fun little experiment here at home with my girlfriend) I started to make alum crystals. I started lastnight and brought about a 1/2 C. of water to about boiling and added the alum to get the water supersaturated. Well I left it overnight and I got alot of little crystals. When I was looking on the internet I got the instructions on how to make a big alum crystal. Well I was going to use one of those little crystals as a seed and tie some thread around it but they are just too small to do so The solution has been sitting in that glass for about 15hrs and the crystal sizes hasnt seemed to increase. So what i did was resolve and reheat all the crystals and the solution except for the biggest crystal. I poured the super saturated solution into one glass and poured just a little bit of solution in another glass and put the alum crystal that I seperated before reheating in. Will this crystal get bigger even though it is not suspended by a string enough so I can actually tie the thread onto it? Do you guys have any other better ideas to make my seed bigger? Thanks
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