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Everything posted by DoctorMO

  1. I wonder if a vacume is the oposite of matter or if there is anti-space.
  2. that clears that up, thanks.
  3. For a start the us is supreamly arragant about it's self and the internet in general. second if you can't get the domain name correct for the site you want to visit then it's your own look out. thirdly asuming all websites to have a .com domain is a dangerous asumption, one which highlights the us arragance. I find it apt that an american can't remeber 6 charicters, must be a brain nibble limit.
  4. sounds like 3 steps from a good sci-fi book involving worm hole like black holes.
  5. Question: do I take it that the m in E=mc^2 is either anti matter or matter? or is this sposed to be just a very simple idea of the amount of energy it takes to make matter and not the process or by products of it being made?
  6. Oh and I would expect it only to react to light from the flash, reaction to outside sources while dificult to control would have to be minimised in order for things to work right.
  7. No that is incorrect. I have not put myself across very clearly. I intend to measure very small time differences using some form of charge decay... my physics is weak so I've come for a wake up call as to the problems. the end result being able to store that data as rough distance measurements, but the amount of time involved is crazy small because the objects would be so close. I'm not very sure it's possible so I'm not holding out a lot of hope, but it's worth exploring.
  8. Education is the key, you can sing the diet and exercise tune until your lungs expload but people neither think of the future or think of the past effects to others around them. The only way is to be more pragmatic and teach people to enjoy exercise and a correct diet. Humans won't do anything for long unless they enjoy it, or fear it (possible exception is brainwashing which works a treat but then you have moral issues)
  9. I just had one of those brain waves, most of them are nonsense but best to ask anyway. What is the limitations of using a charged array of cells which when hit by certain wave length or strength of light would release their payload into a ccd type detector to produce the end result of being able to store the rough distance away from a camera. I imagine that when the flash is initiated it would also charge the array, I've been thinking abut the fact that the times involved as so small that it would be very difficult with objects so close to the camera (stars and Galaxy's I gather are simple) which is why I wanted to think about ways of doing it with physics instead of computation. Thoughts and hysterical laughs welcome, although I did warn you it was a barmy idea.
  10. Thats only a small fear, it's not acurate enough. My idea is to create an easy way for enthusasts to create maps using good software and hardware solutions where the data collected can be easyly combined into open maps (non copyright or open liecenced), you know so maps can be used by everyone without restrictions. ok so what you need is two devices which know which way is north (compus, some sort of elecrtical version), know which way is down (so some sort of gradiant sensor) and where the other device is and how far away it is. so the idea is you set both devices down and (prob via radio) they describe a line between themsevles, which is recorded maybe on a third device (laptop), you then move one of the devices further up the road and plot a second line. All the while recording, perhaps into an svg, then you can have some tools which can take the raw data and allow you to select sections to add road names/place names to, combine with prevous maps in a way which can show changes ect and publish the new recordings online. now that I think about it, perhaps it dosn't require any kind of positioning, or maybe it just requires one or two readings in which it can place one of the map points (so that all the other points can simple hang off that point) it makes updating data far easyer and less technical ability. and somthing that this would require is for it not to be dificult to use. thoughts as always welcome. P.S please ignore the spelling mistakes, I'm not stupid just not lexicly proficiant.
  11. I'm thinking about GPS, and the problems with the technoledgy. What are the technical ways of finding your current position on the earth? Any idea welcome even imposible ones, I was wondering if the sun could be used. Maybe combine the suns direction with the precise time, but how acurate? but I suspect it's a little too imposible technicaly. thoughts welcome. P.S how do you spell check on these forums?
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