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  1. Hi there, Does anyone know how I can rearrange the GHK equation, then using simple algebra (i.e. simulatenous equations) find the values of \alpha and \beta as well as internal concentrations for Na, K and Cl. I have the membrane voltage mV and the external concentration of all three ions. Thanks
  2. Can anybody please help!? I know it uses the equations above, but something is going wrong in the last step when I'm trying to calculate the number of channels and conductance...I know what the answers should be; number of channels is 3E6 Data: bilayer area = 1.1E-6m2 bilayer thickness = 2.5E-9m channel radius = 1.5E-9m channel thickness = 2.5E-9 diffusion constant = 1.2E-9 dielectric constant = 2.3 change in energy (i.e U or sometimes E) can anybody help please? I think I am getting stuck when calculating the conductance and unsure what to divide by... Please let me know if you require more info. Thanks
  3. Hi, I have an excel spreadhsheet filled with data...external and internal concentrations, Vm for potassium, sodium and chloride, however I am struggling with two points.. a) how can I find the internal concentration for K, Na and Cl? I have an increasing exernal concentration, and the membrane voltage of the cell at that particular external voltage. e.g at K(external) = 25mM, and membrane voltage = -31.4mV, I can use inverse log laws and the GHK equation to calculate the internal concentration. However, I have external concentrations between 25 and 300mM - how do I know which internal concentration to use? b) my second question is, how do I calculate permeability of the three ions (PNa, PK and PCl) using my data? I have tried, but I end up just getting PK/PK (which could be anything!?) Can anyone shed some light please? Thanks
  4. Hey everyone! I am struggling with an assignment for an Bioelectricity subject....if anyone has a bit of knowledge on GHK and cable theory, please contact me...I would really really appreciate your help! Thanks! Aimee
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