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Everything posted by CHA0S
The more I think and ponder things, and the more I come to know, the more I realize how much I don't know...and how complex reality really is...a rock isn't just a rock...what we see isn't all there is...what our conscious mind tells us lacks most of what the subconscious mind knows. Just think...really think...how much do you know about reality...how long have you been here...how long has anything existed anywhere and what existed before that...what the hell do we really know about anything at all...we are in the infant stages of development...we are an infant species, yet we think what we see is what we get...reality is reality...if you aren’t with it you need a slap back into reality because your a crackpot... We think everything is so simple and easy and we just know it all...a rock is just a rock after all....or is it...we really have no idea at all about anything...reality isn't all dandy and easy to understand...straight forward...what is at the edge of the universe...what is beyond that...what was before the big bang...did time just start...but what was before that…is the universe eternal or infinite…what is time…what is anything? Where did everything come from and why is it here? When you ponder these philosophical questions...you begin to see we really know nothing and we have no idea how things really work...we are only looking at the surface of reality with what sensory intake equipment mother nature gave us....an illusion essentially...we get only what we need to keep things simple and easy to understand, letting us survive most effectively, but hiding the true nature of reality...and we accept it as all we get because it's so simple for our primitive brains to understand...a rock is just a rock...and it makes sense...it's just made of some matter...it just sits there...lifeless...on this planet...in the galaxy...in this one and only universe...and everything started at the big bang...because it's a neat and easy to understand format isn't it? What if I claim Aliens exist? Are you sure Aliens don't exist, are you sure Earth isn't just part of an Alien experiment...an Alien ant farm? Or is reality but an advanced computer simulation...computerized reality...a hologram in a way...or I claim we are but the dream of a much more complex being…or that reality is fractal in nature, and that I am part of, and have more intelligent beings living inside of me...and you call me a crackpot? What do you really know? What does the human race know about reality...what do we really know about anything? As soon as one starts to talk of things not known, or little understood by science, it's instantly made a mockery of...claims of blasphemy and lunacy are made as if we know absolutely all there is to know and we couldn't possibly be wrong about anything...science is quickly becoming the new religion in its tendency to state what's right and what's wrong in relation to things scientists really don't have a clue about...the tendency to consider anything they can't explain in a materialistic fashion or can't physically measure with current scientific tools, just doesn't exist at all in their opinion...and since we're so sure it doesn't exist, we'd rather just laugh about it and ignore serious study into the subject all together. We just figured out we are actually 99.99999% empty space and the matter that makes us up is popping in and out of existence and can also be directly modified in extreme ways simply by observing it and that there is no such things as particles..but merely vibrating energy...it's called modern physics...and it's the beginning of us understanding that we really know nothing...and a lot of what we know is very wrong in some aspects...we can't handle that at this stage...but we will...eventually… "A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” - Albert Einstein
This thread will surely convince you 2012 will be a very significant year!
CHA0S replied to CHA0S's topic in Speculations
mooeypoo, I read through the thread...and 99% of it is just people making jokes...quite boring indeed...that was hardly a serious discussion and didn't get into the science of things...what I have presented here are new ideas and scientific ideas which need to be examined and a lot of the points I'm making are often avoided and not brought up in those debunking articles you provided...they always seem to like to stick to the easy things and use sneaky word play to downplay the seriousness of some things and often make ridiculous jokes which insinuate anyone who believes in some of these things must be an absolute moron...I quickly become quite tedious of such articles...we need to examine the points I am trying to make here seriously...62My biodiversity cycles and the Mayan calender and it's relation to our galactic cycle. Also, I think we've got that 1998 thing wrong...I'm pretty sure that refers to an alignment which involves the precession of the equinoxes...not the actual physical passing of our solar system through the galactic plane...I've read a few articles now, on legitimate scientific websites, and they are all saying different things...it seems no one is exactly sure if we have passed or not...maybe you can clarify things for us or possibly provide a source to show we crossed in 1998? Thanks. -
This thread will surely convince you 2012 will be a very significant year!
CHA0S replied to CHA0S's topic in Speculations
Mooeypoo, I'm pretty sure I read the article you linked...there have been no other links provided so far... Solar system's Galactic Orbit (Up and down wobble) is thought to be anywhere from 52 to 74 million years. source But upon doing so research, it appears our position relative to the galactic equator can be determined with a lot more accuracy by determining Characteristics of the Galaxy according to Cepheids and I think some other methods. It's generally accepted the passing of the galactic equator took place in 1998. But it seems there is still a margin of error...from what I can see, it's 1998 +/- 18 years. source But what seems more important is "when the December solstice sun has converged, as a result of the precession of the equinoxes, with the exact center-line of the Milky Way (the Galactic equator)" This particular type alignment seems to happen about every 26,000 years, but it must be even even even more unlikely to see the solstice point and the solstice sun to align with the galactic equator. There is also evidence the Egyptians were very interested in galactic alignment (involving precession of the equinoxes): source - Other Ancient cultures interested in 2012 Please try to open your mind a little please... source - Have Milky Way's Cycles Influenced Earth's Biological History?As soon as a hypothesis involves danger for us, there seems to be an allergic response from people...instant claims of blasphemy and lunacy...anything that might be even remotely out of the box or not currently understood by scientists seems to provoke the same reaction... Pretty much a term I came up with to describe something...I don't know if there is a term for it...but I did explain what I mean: Probably not the best term...doesn't really describe it correctly... -
This thread will surely convince you 2012 will be a very significant year!
CHA0S replied to CHA0S's topic in Speculations
ydoaPs, Well, assuming we did pass in 1898, from what I've read, we won't have fully passed through the galactic belt until roughly 2018. It's possible that on the other side of the galactic equator exists dangerous levels of radiation or exotic types of energy/matter...these theories are not mine, but those of several scientists which you can read about in the links I provided. There also exists the possibility of a change in our galactic polarity as I mentioned earlier. So, it's possible that we start seeing noticeable effects by 2012, and particularly around the day of the winter solstice on the 21/12/2012 at 11:11 which also happens to be the same day the Mayan calender ends (and restarts), but IMO, there are already numerous indicators the Earth is going through radical changes... EDIT: Fixed incorrect year. -
This thread will surely convince you 2012 will be a very significant year!
CHA0S replied to CHA0S's topic in Speculations
mooeypoo, There is no possible way they can know for sure what our exact position relative to the galactic equator is...there is a margin of error of a few million years involved...and if you read my post properly, you'd see that I stated it makes no difference if we just crossed, or if we are just about to... With such a large margin of error, I can't even accurately say we will be passing in 2012...but lets just say we did pass in 1998 as they say...that's 14 years before 2012...what is 14 years in comparison to 63My? That's my point...how ever you look at it, we are mind-bogglingly close to the galactic equator, and certainly aren't in the safe zone yet. Oh, and I read that article you provided, it explains nothing, and merely goes on with the same gibber jabber I've heard a million times. -
I tried doing the math myself once but couldn't work out the darn Mayan calendar properly...then I found the quote below here...which basically confirmed all my suspicions about 2012 and how it links with our galactic cycle and the Mayan calender. http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2008/08/is-there-a-milk.html and http://www.livescience.com/space/scienceastronomy/070423_cosmic_evo.html http://www.itwire.com/content/view/11573/1066/ http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2008/08/is-there-a-milk.html Galactic Drift and Mass Extinction We pass through the galactic belt about every 30-35My...a full up-down cycle takes around 63My...and mass extinctions seem to happen around every 62My...here's what I think is happening...please excuse the dodgy handwriting: So, basically, as you can see in this picture, I believe that when we move below the galactic belt, the sudden polarity shift may affect us, or there is something on that side of the belt which affects the life on Earth very harshly. I drew up that diagram a fair while ago, and it wasn't really meant for anything so I wasn't very careful of my wording...when I talk of polarity I'm not referring to the Earths poles...I just mean that the position of our solar system and Earth has changed galactic polarity...the galaxy is probably somewhat like an insanely huge magnet or something like that...I'm not really sure, but it's obvious that some sort of polarity will be shifted when we move through to the other side of the galaxy...and i have no idea if the Earths poles will shift along with it... So there we go...make of it what you will...also ask yourself when the last significant mass extinction was? Is the synchronicity beginning to mean anything yet? Is everything clicking into place yet? The only thing left to do...is figure out exactly what might happen around 2012...as scientists just seem to be throwing theories around at the moment...and as you may have noticed, if you read carefully...is the fact that we don't know exactly how long the galactic cycle takes...but considering what I have explained so far...if you believe, as I do, that Aliens visited Earth in the past, and were regarded as Gods, and they provided this information upon which the Mayan calender was constructed, we can only assume something will happen on, or very close to 2012...and that there is a hidden message waiting for us to discover it...in any case, if you accept that the Mayans couldn't have possibly worked out the length of our galactic cycle at their current level of advancement, you must conclude that some higher force, an advanced alien species perhaps, gave them this information. In this case, we can expect they gave them this info for a purpose and that it is fairly precise. And it probably wasn't just the Mayans that were visited by "sky Gods"...99% of the cultures I have studied have references to "Gods which came from the sky"...there is a documentary titled "Ancient Astronauts" I think...it's very interesting... For all those people who will say "the Mayans never predicted anything such as the end of the world on 2012"...of course they didn't, if I'm correct, they aren't even the ones who devised the calender in the first place. I'm guessing they were told about cosmic cycles, and our current position in our cycle. They then built the worlds most complex calender and set it to when they were told, so that it synchronized with our current galactic position perfectly. Why would they start it near the end? It lasts for 63My and they made that calender only a few thousand years ago...why did they start it where they did? Shouldn't it be near the start, not about to end? Why build a calender that lasts so long? What was the point of it? IMO it must be to map our galactic cycle, and I think one day (if we don't go extinct) we will discover the Mayan calender maps exactly our galactic cycle with extreme precision. And for all those people who like to scream "IT DOESN'T END!"...the Mayan calender doesn't end, but restarts on 2012...but does that really make one ounce of a difference? No...it doesn't...no significance at all...the significance is when the mysterious and complex calendar reaches its end after 63My...whether it starts again or not makes no difference....the calender has a start and an end...just like our calenders count through the 12 months in a year...until reaching the end and starting again...the fact is...the Mayan calender lasts for 63My before it reaches the end, restarts and starts from the beginning of it's cycle...it makes no difference whether it suddenly halts or keeps going...I couldn't care less if the calender is set to explode on 2012...it's beyond the point. Also, please don't start this "been there, done that!" crap...I'm talking about those people who will say..."look at y2k...nothing happened and life went on a normal...2012 will be a NON-EVENT just like every other stupid prediction"...it's highly ignorant to compare y2k (a very ill founded prediction which involves computers not being able to click over to the year 2000) to a prediction which involves cosmic cycles and has been around for centuries...just please try to provide some sort of substantial argument which address the points I have put forward here... Also, I'm not even sure what will happen, I'm not claiming it will be the end of the world...we are talking about biodiversity cycles here...it could be something for the better...it could in fact be the next step in our evolution as we move into a higher state of awareness and vibrational state, as others have been predicting. Like many others, I too feel it coming, I can feel it all around me, getting closer and closer...the "static charge" of world consciousness rising...the dawn of a new age is upon us...it was the fact that I could sense this change coming that I found myself researching this subject so that I might get some answers. In the end, I really don't know what might happen...all I know, is something extremely significant is very likely to happen around 2012... In my search, I've come across theories of Nibiru, Galactic SuperWaves, Timewave Zero, Galactic Alignment, Solar Storms, the Web Bot Project, Pole Reversal...and countless other theories...but I could find no solid backing to any of these theories...mind you, there were a few compelling theories...but it wasn't until I found the theory involving the Galactic Plane and it's connection to the Mayan calender and biodiversity cycles until I started realize I was onto something big...I know it, others know it, and we ALL feel it somewhere deep inside us whether we like to admit it or not. Now, I know what your thinking...all this crackpot talk of 2012 and Aliens...I know I will come off as totally insane to a lot of people...so just take it easy on me...I didn't come here to start a war. Yes, I'm aware this theory is not a new one. I am merely trying to provide some good scientific backing for this theory, and put the facts into a nice coherent thread where I could link together the galactic cycle with the Mayan calender and extinction cycles. Disclaimer: I did post something similar to this in a conspiracy forum, and also another science forum, it is NOT plagiarized.