lol .. that yelling part actually got to me because i was interpreting everything i'm reading therefore causing me to read slow ... well that idea about mental voice really clarified some of my ideas. If you actually listen carefully ... You'll notice that your mental voice is simillar to you whispering to yourself and ADDED an emotion ... for example if you just failed a test and your softly whispering to yourself "damn man .." Now repeat that in your mind .. you'll notice it sounds so familiar but there is something that you can't seem to put your finger on. A mental voice you don't hear with vibrations ... Let me try to be less abstract and try to be formal. Pretend I'm putting the way you sound on a scale from Weird to Normal. Speaking voice, mental voice, hearing yourself talk. .. Perhaps your mental voice is half way to hearing your real voice.. Or perhaps i'm just crazy and you wasted your time reading haha
this subject is a killer