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Everything posted by fottry55i6

  1. If you are spinning a circle made of paper, we know that the area near the edge is moving faster than the area near the centre. Does that mean that with a large enough circle, you could make the edge go faster than light??
  2. Try adding a few drops of water to a mixture of powdered aluminum and crushed iodine. The thick purple smoke is the iodine vapour.
  3. Oxygen is one of the elements in the "fire triangle" - fuel, oxygen, and heat. If one or more of them is not present, then fire cannot occur. If there was no oxygen on Earth, you would not have a fire.
  4. There are "modern" Mayans today ho are saying that the Internet has twisted all the facts and that the Mayan Calendar has no such apocalyptic prediction.
  5. I also think that there are many planets out there with life, waiting to be discovered. But just think of what kind of life could be living there. The planet may be covered with primitive single-celled organisms, or inhabited with life forms that are much more advanced than us humans. Who knows? Also, there could have been a life-supporting planet just next door, but they went extinct millions of years ago. Or there will be life on a planet next door. The possibilities are endless.
  6. This only applies to the Arctic Ocean. Since there is no land on the Arctic Ocean, it is just a bunch of ice. Ice expands when it freezes, so when it melts, its volume decreases. They will cancel each other out, so the sea level would stay the same if all of the Arctic ice melted. However, in Antarctica, all of the ice sits on a continent. If the ice melted there, it would flow off the land and cause the oceans to rise.
  7. Farts, or flatulence, smell because it is made up mostly of H2S. The sulfur in it causes the smell.
  8. The heart is neither on the left or right side. We put our hand on the left side of our chest when feeling for a pulse because the lower part dips to the left.♣
  9. You never know, maybe it did blow up centuries ago and we'll see it tomorrow.
  10. Hi I'm fottry55i6 and I like to melt things. I got this name by typing random letters on my Wii keyboard.
  11. We may only be interested in the observable universe. Maybe the true boundaries of the universe are so far away that the light reflected off them hasn't reached Earth yet, and so we get an expanding area of the matter whose light reflected off it up to 13 billion years ago.
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