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Dear ALL, The DNA data pertaining to a particular organ or protein is included in special components called "genes". For instance, information about the eye exists in a series of special genes, whereas information about the heart exists in quite another series of genes. The cell produces proteins by using the information in all of these genes. Amino acids that constitute the structure of the protein are defined by the sequential angement of three nucleotides in the DNA. At this point, an important detail deserves attention. An error in the sequence of nucleotides making up a gene renders the gene completely useless. When we consider that there are 200 thousand genes in the human body, it becomes more evident how impossible it is for the millions of nucleotides making up these genes to form by accident in the right sequence. An evolutionist biologist, Frank Salisbury, comments on this impossibility by saying: A medium protein might include about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene controlling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in its chain. Since there are four kinds of nucleotides in a DNA chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could exist in 41000 forms. Using a little algebra (logarithms), we can see that 41000=10 exponent 600. Ten multiplied by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed by 600 zeros! This number is completely beyond our comprehension. The number 41000 is equivalent to 10600. We obtain this number by adding 600 zeros to 1. As 10 with 11 zeros indicates a trillion, a figure with 600 zeros is indeed a number that is difficult to grasp. Moreover, while DNA can replicate only with the help of some enzymes that are actually proteins, the synthesis of these enzymes can be realised only by the information coded in DNA. As they both depend on each other, either they have to exist at the same time for replication, or one of them has had to be "created" before the other. American microbiologist Jacobson comments on the subject: The complete directions for the reproduction of plans, for energy and the extraction of parts from the current environment, for the growth sequence, and for the effector mechanism translating instructions into growth – all had to be simultaneously present at that moment (when lifebegan). This combination of events has seemed an incredibly unlikely happenstance, and has often been ascribed to divine intervention. Conclusion: Even if we suppose for a moment that proteins somehow did form accidentally, that would still have no meaning, for proteins are nothing at all on their own: they cannot themselves reproduce. Protein synthesis is only possible with the information coded in DNA and RNA molecules. Without DNA and RNA, it is impossible for a protein to reproduce. The specific sequence of the twenty different amino acids encoded in DNA determines the structure of each protein in the body. However, as has been made abundantly clear by all those who have studied these molecules, it is impossible for DNA and RNA to form by chance. With LOVE!
Dear All, Thanks for the input. The correct sequence of proper amino acids is simply not enough for the formation of one of the protein molecules present in living things. Besides this, each of the twenty different types of amino acid present in the composition of proteins must be left-handed. Chemically, there are two different types of amino acids called "left-handed" and "right-handed". The difference between them is the mirror-symmetry between their three dimensional structures, which is similar to that of a person's right and left hands. Amino acids of either of these two types are found in equal numbers in nature and they can bond perfectly well with one another. Yet, research uncovers an astonishing fact: all proteins present in the structure of living things are made up of left-handed amino acids. Even a single righthanded amino acid attached to the structure of a protein renders it useless. Let us for an instant suppose that life came into existence by chance as evolutionists claim. In this case, the right and left-handed amino acids that were generated by chance should be present in nature in roughly equal amounts. The question of how proteins can pick out only left-handed amino acids, and how not even a single right-handed amino acid becomes involved in the life process is something that still confounds evolutionists. In the Britannica Science Encyclopaedia, an ardent defender of evolution, the authors indicate that the amino acids of all living organisms on earth and the building blocks of complex polymers such as proteins have the same left-handed asymmetry. They add that this is tantamount to tossing a coin a million times and always getting heads. In the same encyclopaedia, they state that it is not possible to understand why molecules become left-handed or right-handed and that this choice is fascinatingly related to the source of life on earth. It is not enough for amino acids to be arranged in the correct numbers,sequences, and in the required three-dimensional structures. The formation of a protein also requires that amino acid molecules with more than one arm be linked to each other only through certain arms. Such a bond is called a "peptide bond". Amino acids can make different bonds with each other; but proteins comprise those and only those amino acids that join together by "peptide" bonds. Research has shown that only 50 % of amino acids, combining at random, combine with a peptide bond and that the rest combine with different bonds that are not present in proteins. To function properly, each amino acid making up a protein must join with other amino acids with a peptide bond, as it has only to be chosen from among the left-handed ones. Unquestionably, there is no control mechanism to select and leave out the right-handed amino acids and personally make sure that each amino acid makes a peptide bond with the other. Under these circumstances, the probabilities of an average protein molecule comprising five hundred amino acids arranging itself in the correct quantities and in sequence, in addition to the probabilities of all of the amino acids it contains being only left-handed and combining using only peptide bonds are as follows: – The probability of being in the right sequence = 1/20 exponent 500 =1/10 exponent 650 – The probability of being left-handed = 1/2 exponent 500 =1/10 exponent 150 – The probability of combining using a "peptide bond" = 1/2 exponent 499 =1/10 exponent 150 TOTAL PROBABILITY = 1/10950 that is, "1" probability in 10950 As you can see above, the probability of the formation of a protein molecule comprising five hundred amino acids is "1" divided by a number formed by placing 950 zeros after a 1, a number incomprehensible to the human mind. This is only a probability on paper. Practically, such a possibility has "0" chance of realisation. In mathematics, a probability smaller than 1 over 1050 is statistically considered to have a "0" probability of realisation. While the improbability of the formation of a protein molecule made up of five hundred amino acids reaches such an extent, we can further proceed to push the limits of the mind to higher levels of improbability. In the "haemoglobin" molecule, a vital protein, there are five hundred and seventy-four amino acids, which is a much larger number than that of the amino acids making up the protein mentioned above. Now consider this: in only one out of the billions of red blood cells in your body, there are "280,000,000" (280 million) haemoglobin molecules. The supposed age of the earth is not sufficient to afford the formation of even a single protein, let alone a red blood cell, by the method of "trial and error". The conclusion from all this is that evolution falls into a terrible abyss of improbability right at the stage of the formation of a single protein. with LOVE!
Dear ALL, 1. Do the materials exist since everlasting? If we have a look at the radioactive materials like Uranium. We found the following: Uranium atomic weight is 238.03, And when it decay, it release 3 Helium atoms, each has the atomic weight of 4, That is mean 238.03 Ur – (3 X 4 He) = 226.03 this is the atomic weight of Radium. & if the radium continues the radioactive series, we will reach Lead. This process needs long periods. If we noticed that, the half-life of Uranium is 1590 years, and it is much longer for radium. Then radioactive materials did not yet past enough time to reach the end of its radioactive series. However, if these materials exist since everlasting then they should decayed by now, which is not the fact. We conclude that these materials dose not exist since everlasting. In addition, that there is a time when these materials created. 2. Is there anything more progress than your mind? Look around you, and you will notice that your mind receive knowledge through the five senses, now ask yourself question number 2 (Is there anything more progress than your mind?) Look at the starts in the sky, look at the galaxy, they are very charming, they are splendor, but do you think that they can think or they have minimum amount of intelligent. I do not think so and therefore, they cannot do what you can do with your mind, they cannot think, neither they can make big decision, or at least deal with choices. The human being mind can know, think, plan, decide, and achieve his plans, and can invent new tools to discover this universal. Now the big question, Can the human being mind create something more progress than it is? The human being can take some existence material and build a house, for example. However, for building the house it needs more intelligent and progressed force. The same thing apply to cars, now a days technology make the car behave like organism, but to do this you need all the intelligent that you have. I would like to say, my friend, that if I told you that you could create, build, make, anything that is more intelligent than you are, then I would frankly despise your intelligent. Now for the biggest question, Do you think that any force or power that is less in intelligent (than you) has created you? Of course not. Then there must be a great force or power, and absolutely more intelligent than you, to take the action of your creation. 3. Do you think that you are the creator of these universal? Let us imagine that you can add to your intelligent, the ability to create things. And that this ability is unlimited, so you can create and make everything you have in your mind, and that you can emit all the movement in this unlimited universal (which we - of course - do not know and even not capable to know where it ends). Back to my idea, I mean to control everything starting from stars, and ending with the smallest atom in the chemical reaction. Do you think that you are capable to be responsible for this work? Do you think that any force or power – missing even the human being’s intelligent – could plan, design, create, and control movement in this astonished universal? Of course not. A final word, Until now, there is no human being that can produced food in Lab, I mean, to take the inorganic materials and divert them to real living material (which called food). However, there is a power or force and intelligent makes this process very easy in the nature. We put the seeds in the soil, and supply them with water, and you have all the food that keeps you living. Look! Although, all seeds supplied with the same water, and are surrounded with the same type of soil, you can find the fruit with sweet test, and the vegetable that are different in tests and shapes. My last question: if you bring 2 hydrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom, is there anyway that you can make water? NOW DO YOU KNOW HOW IS BEHIND ALL THESE FORCES AND POWER AND INTELLIGENT? DO YOU KNOW HOW IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE UNIVERSAL? DO YOU KNOW HOW CREATE YOU? I hope so, Sorry for the long post, I would like to thank you for reading it. Waiting for your comments. with LOVE!
Dear ALL, Proteins are essential compounds in all organisms’ cells; consist essentially of H, C, O, N, etc… A protein molecule can has, for example, about 40.000 atoms. According to mathematicians to create such a molecule accidentally (By chance), the percentage is 1 to 10 exponent 160, that means the time required for such a reaction (to happen by chance) is 10 exponent 243. In addition, the materials required for the reaction must be greater with millions times. And if one sequence is mistaken, then we will end up with a toxic molecule. Therefore, all earth’s age does not allow the creation of one protein molecule accidentally . Also please refere to my What the life emanated from? with LOVE!
Hello ALL, This is my first post in the forum . Thank you for this very lovely and useful forum . Hope to find a place between you . 3rd Year Biology (Bc.S). This year I have to major in Biochemistry or Ecology, the choise will depends on the total marks of all semesters. Thus, I hope to major in biochemistry.