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Everything posted by Fallacy202

  1. Could you explain each of your ideas for me please? Thanks.
  2. yes yes. So, any ideas for the project/experiment?? Thanks a lot.
  3. 10th grade = 15 - 16 years old. Topics I don't mind, as long as they are within my categories, are manageable, and are not too deadly. If I feel that a topic is too advanced I'll try my best to understand it by researching.
  4. Yes yes I know. This has been posted too many times, but after doing a search of the forums I still haven't found a satisfactory experiment for a science fair. I am a 10th grade student. I'm mostly interested in chemistry and physics experiments, as well as engineering. Financial-wise, I can spend about $500. The project has to be an experiment, and I'd like to do a particularly difficult one, if possible (but not TOO dangerous). Any ideas? Thanx a lot!
  5. The equation my textbook gave me was to balance this redox reaction in acidic environment: [math] \ce{IO_3^- + I^- ->[\text{Acid}]I_3^-} [/math]
  6. Okay, I'm trying to balance redox equations, but the half-equation method DOES NOT WORK!!!! Say, for this equation: [math] \ce{IO_3^-+I^- ->[\text{acid}]I_3^-} [/math] Okay, so for the oxidation half: [math] \ce{I^- -> I_3^-} [/math] How does one balance this?? And the reduction? [math] \ce{IO_3^- -> I_3^-} [/math] The I in IO3 is reduced, but the oxygen is oxidized. How do I get around that?? Anyhow it just doesn't work and I've stared at this question for about 6 hours still can't figure it out I'm about to eat my own hw plz help!!!
  7. Thanks a lot for the quick responses. 2) Are all reactions with oxygen combustion reactions? Err, maybe no one noticed it, but is 2H2+O2->2H2O a combustion reaction? I'm still not very clear on how to classify a reaction as a combustion reaction. 3) Can copper combine with acetate to form copper (I) acetate and copper (II) acetate both? Or is it more likely to combine in one way? If so, which one is it? thanks a lot.
  8. Okay, here are several seemingly very simple questions but I've never found out the answers to: 1. Does hydrogen ever bond ionically with non-metals (you're taught in HS that they do). If they do, how do you tell an ionic hydrogen compound from a covalent hydride? 2. Combustions w/o hydrocarbons. How do you determine them? Are all reactions with a O2 on the left combustions? What about 2H2 + O2 yields 2H2O? 3. How do you determine the charge of a transition metal in the product given only the reactants? So for example: copper + acetic acid would yield ? My teacher taught me in HS that it should be copper acetate, but what's the charge on Cu here? Thx to anyone that could answer any of my questions. They're fairly simple to some of you I'm sure, but I'm dumbfounded.
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