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Everything posted by druv

  1. hi all, have been working like crazy for the last few months, keeeping deadlines and working round the clock.. there has been practically no break for me and now the stress is showing on my health.. Cant take it anymore .. feel extremey fatigued and drained.. what should i do..
  2. how does this help in the proper functioning of the heart.. are they really sucessful and how do they function.. please explain.
  3. hi, there are a lot of medicines for energy boosting...in the form of drugs or steroids.. they do give an immediate feeling of ecstasy but they com with all the side effects also which are far more dangerous.. so its better to avoid them. better still exercise , so yoga .. that will help a lot.these techniques are safe and tested..
  4. druv


    my son age 8 years old is an autistic boy.. he has practically no speech and im very disturbed about him..Im based in india and the resources and knowledge pertaining to this are very less. can anybodt please help me as to how his speech can come . what are the various techinques . he is quite independant and expresses his needs by actions . he is toilet trained. he only says mama and papa. i would like that his speech should come since he is the only child and the future does not hold good. what are the latest methods of languag development.. please share knowledge and information with me. have also searched the web but i want practical expreiences of people .
  5. hi everybody,, im new here. please welcome me.. this was some great information on calcium deficiency. One of the major symptoms of a deficiency of this important mineral are skeletal abnormalities. Osteopenia, osteomalacia, osteoporosis and rickets may all be caused by calcium deficiency. The bones act as a reservoir for calcium. When the amount of calcium in the blood supply dips too low, calcium is borrowed from the bones. It is returned to the bones from calcium supplied through the diet. When diets are low in the mineral, there may not be sufficient amounts available to be returned to the bones. Over time, this net loss can lead to osteopenia or osteoporosis. Other symptoms of calcium deficiency include :insomnia ,tetany ,premenstrual cramps and hypertension (high blood pressure) . Low calcium intakes have also been linked to premature births and some forms of cancer, including colon and breast cancer. how is this supplemented .. are these deformities reversible..
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