I simply want to make 2 circuits one to transmit a radio signal on whatever frequency, another that will output it's strength. It can be analog, I know how to read it with a pic microcontroller (they have analog to digital converters). I want to be able to distinguish very precise distances but they don't have to be any farther than the average room. Thanks, I'm trying to be able to locate a position within a room by using 3 sensors for the 3 dimensions, if i can do this, and output the position threw serial to a computer, add a video headset, 3 gyroscopes to distinguish the 3 other dimensions of position (head tilt side ways, forward/backward, and left right). I can then write a program in open gl to put me in a virtual room. I've read about some positioning devices that use infrared leds but i dont' see why this wouldn't work