I think you're reffering to my site here...I'm doing my best to have a nice website. My experience with wordpress is 3 months so I'm still learning. The previous one, strictlyhonest.com didn't go well... lots of traffic but no feedback (staring at comments all day and each day without seeing any feedback) so that's why I started over and made the site you're referring to.
The spelling mistakes are due to the fact that I'm living in the Netherlands and Dutch is my primary language. I'm open to learn but nobody tells me which words or sentences are wrongly spelled, so I can't improve my English this way.
The reason why I'm doing all the efforts to publish in English is because I think some subjects need to be known worldwide and not just in my country.
I don't have an agenda to promote conspiracies because as you can see, I don't cover topics like illuminati, nwo, h1n1, 911 on purpose.
The links to those conspiracy websites were randomly chosen (I didn't know what links to use) but if it's giving my website a negative feeling or if people think I'm having a weird agenda, I will change them.
Also there is no team behind my website, I'm doing it all alone for fun to see if I'll get an interactive website after a while. (that's why there is no big archive yet and I'll just post 2 articles a day because I have a job as well and my girlfriend also needs some attention)
If some information seems false afterwards, I'll edit that particular post to say that it's false.... I'm no bad person.
I have no bad intentions at all and just want the best for all people.
Just wanted to let you(and the world) know.