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Everything posted by Rickdog

  1. I personally don`t know the answer, but maybe if you ask the Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, maybe he can give you an answer, who even before that the new law had been aproved, had already specialized himself in racial profiling. And with the aproval of the new law, is more than happy, since now he can openly work, having an argument that he used to not have.
  2. Here in chile we have a popular saying that recalls "fire weapons are always charged by the devil himself". . Strange and annoying things happen with their manipulation. Good luck with your foot, rogerxd45, my friend.
  3. For the record, Septicemia, by medical definition, is and implies an infection in the blood.
  4. One simple conclussion you can get after they changed the wording, it`s that at least they recognized that the law wasn`t correct afterall. The big problem now, is that the damage by that particular law, has already been done when they aproved it in the first place. Racism and Xenophobics, has already arisen in the area, bigger than what usually existed before. Shame......
  5. Point E (in lines 37,38 and 39), article 8, of the Senate Bill 1070, it says clearly, that the officer can arrest a person, if the officer has probable cause that the person has commited any crime, to arrest him. It doesn`t say, evidence of illegality. How can you prove probable cause, as being illegal ? I think that my fellow hispanic community members, that are U.S. citizens as well, will have to wear permanently a badge with the green card on them at all times in order to not be "suspiciouss looking", in Arizona. Specially if they live in other states and they decide to take a trip that passes through Arizona. I guess the same goes if they ever want to visit Grand Canyon National Park.
  6. Great link Cap`n Refsmmat my friend, it gives the Catholic Church`s position by their interpretation, I knew I had read something like it before, but really I didn`t remember where. Anyhow it doesn`t necessarily represent Gods will in his commandments and specially related to idols and symbols.
  7. What does that box in every synagog represent, where the Tora is kept ? Isn`t it suposed to represent the ark of the covenant ? A symbol or not ?
  8. How I see it, is why so many instructions for handling a simple box. and why the pieces of stone, where suposedly god wrote on should be kept in it?, or is it maybe that its not simply sand what`s in there ? The whole ark and everything written in the bible about it, is a symbol of god.
  9. If these would be the case, then the same ten commandments written on stone by God himself, would be a symbol that doesn`t deserve worship. Remember that after Moses, destroyed them, the pieces were kept in an arch, which was kept as a symbol of god himself. And this goes the same, for jews, catholics or christians.
  10. Christ didn`t nail anything to the cross. The romans nailed jesus to it, cause the romans used to nail all those who deserved punishment, to die on it, long before even Jesus suposedly existed. If he was to die under the romans, it was very likely that it was going to be by crucification. (Anyhow, this is completely off-topic, sorry )
  11. It must be a very old song, considering it mentions Yugoslavia and Czechoslovaquia, nations that no longer exists, since they have split up in other nations. Also by the fact it only considers as Russia, all that once was known as the Soviet Union, which in itself has many countries with their own identity and culture.
  12. I`m Ricardo, and I love dogs. So my nick is a mixture of both.
  13. Concerning Louis Pasteur : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Pasteur Concerning Pasteurization : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization Concerning diseases through milk late 19 th early 20 th century : http://http://aof.revues.org/index310.html (only TBC (tuberculosis), achieves 500.000 deaths among infants, if we add the rest of the diseases, I think I got my numbers lower than reality) In relation to yoghurt production, Pasteurization doesn`t kill every bacteria present in milk, it is proven that heat is effective against those bad disease bacterias, but others that are benign don`t get much affected by the pasteurization process, therefore that is why it is also important to refrigerate milk after pasteurization, because any colony of bacteria that reaches high numbers is potentially bad for human consumption, and there could also be some resistant individuals of those bad bacterias that survive through the pasteurization process, who will reproduce and reach levels of development that can contaminate the milk in the future. Refrigeration of milk, slows down their natural reproduction rate.
  14. That link is from the FDA ( US Food & Drug Administration ), who`s main concern is to worry about which foods or drugs are safe for the consumers, specially US citizens, and which types of food aren`t. There is a lot of myths concerning diferent types of food, being the "milk" one of the most important ones, due to its valuable importance in our nutrition. The word Pasteurization, comes from Louis Pasteur`s last name, who discovered the importance of applying heat to destroy numerous bacterias in foods. This is off-topic, so I will not say any more about him, but he gave his name to this process, and before its existence, back in the 19 th century, the rates of mortality and morbility of milk origin pathogenic bacterial diseases in the USA and as the rest of the world was huge (same figure as in 1998, 800, but multiplied by thousands or maybe more), being more evident after one or two days of it being gathered. If your herds are healthy, you may not suffer problems from milk consumption if it is collected following strict rules of hygiene and a strict chain of refrigeration till the consumer, but if not, milk is probably the best place where bacterias can multiply and a potential "bomb" for the outbreak of diseases. The same goes for the ellaboration of milk based products.
  15. Bullseye !!!, 20 minutes ago. 6,9 Richter
  16. Beware, that in raw milk you can find a lot of pathogenic bacterias, that if not treated, can kill you before you acquire a strengthened inmune system. Among them :TBC (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), Salmonella typhimurium, Campylobacter jejuni, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Staphylococccus aureus, Brucellosis, Pseudomones, Streptococcus, etc. If you`re willing to experiment with your body, go ahead. In my case, I prefer pasteurized milk, it`s more safer since pasteurization usually destroys most of these pathogens. Myth debunked: http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm079516.htm
  17. The gunner says clearly the moment he was shooting the missile, after the pedestrian appeared in scene, but similar as what I said before, .... What do you think these maniacs, care for ? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedUSA already lost this war. The problem is that you don`t want to or can`t admitt it. Same as Vietnam.
  18. Rickdog


    It certainly would be more hygienic. Imho, Bidets when once created were a great asset in human culture, but I think that the devices they first used for spraying water didn`t give them a good reputation, since when rinsing it wasn`t unussual that you got all wet, but now there is independent devices with which you can control better the water flow. The other issue is space within the bathroom, you need more of it and a mayor complexity in the arrangement of water pipes. I don´t know the all-in-one devices, but maybe their reason of existence is to reduce the size of the bathrooms in an appartment, where it is more important to maximize other areas of the living space, than making a small appartment with a "big" bathroom. Nevertheless, I also encourage their usage and I miss the days in my youth when almost every house had at least one of this units (bidets), in the main bathroom of the house.
  19. After wiping out 10 -15 suspects, and knowing that two of them were children, You think that these maniacs, would care about a pedestrian ? War sucks !!!!
  20. Only this year, Haiti, 7 Richter Chile, 8,5 Richter Baja California, 7,2 Richter Few moments ago, Indonesia was hit by a 7,8 Richter Who`s next ?
  21. Pioneer, my friend. Very interesting story of how humans evolved. The only problem I see in all of this, its that after "God" got mad of how these ape-humans beings, behaved, he made earth rain and ordered to the "human" full of faith and religious man, known as Noah, to build an Ark, where he gathered all the species in couples, male and female, who happened to be the only survivors to that Universal rain God created. Are you suggesting that among the couples gathered there were also a couple of these atheist ape-men ?. Then why make rain to kill everybody else from existence, if he was suposed to save a couple of non believers atheists ? It doesn`t make no sence. Unless of course, that God is falible and imperfect and also very stupid, so if the believers were made at his own image, then they should also be as foolish as God himself. Very interesting and entertaining story about the bible, indeed.
  22. Yikes !!! (),..... John Cuthber, my friend, you got me there. (awful translation on my part, I applaude you for understanding what I meant) Sorry to all, who had a bad time trying to understand what I posted.
  23. :D:D ROFL :D:D ( Brilliant !!!! )
  24. Unpredictable Natural Disasters..... (Can`t let it out, where I live, they are a part of our existence. Every 15-25 years we are forced to remember them).
  25. In regards to the position of the Catholic church on birth control, is that it must be done within marriage and by responsible means, that is by the use of a natural method of misconception. The Catholic church has never oposed itself in the use of condoms, if one of the members of the marriage is affected by HIV. The church will never aprove extramarital sex, no matter how it is presented, which is considered as a sin for her, so if the church appears as endorsing the regular use of condoms among any couples, which aren`t married, it would be self-denying itself, by the permition of a promiscuous attitude. The Church has no involvement in overpopulation, and has never said anything about it. Only groups who oposes it, have, and are willing that the Church gets involved in it, as a mean of discrediting her afterwards. If overpopulation comes as a result of a natural conception within marriage, it will endorse birth control within the marriage only by natural techniques (which are self-imposing), and if these fail, it will never support the use of abortive techniques. In regards to my last sentence about Global warming, to John Cuthber, it was a little bit of sarcasm, due to the fact that his example, imho, was completely out of place giving to the Pope a responsability that has never been his, the same as most of his detractors. You may not think about it by the tennor of my posts, but I have always been oposed to the Church, only that in my position I always try to give them my respect, as I ask them to respect me, for what I think.
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