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Unfortunately, I am still not recovered enough to be able to complete my main projects (in spite of the fact that I am continuing to eat mainly fruits and vegetables), but I try to keep an optimistic attitude to overcome all difficulties.
In order for you to understand the delay (problems / obstacles) regarding completion of the mathematical model for my theory, I have to inform you about the main cause of my unfortunate situation regarding health and career (general welfare). In September 2002, here in Romania, I was poisoned, to not to get back in USA with my wife and our child (after June 2000, having to quit both my master program in biostatistics and my job as a programmer, at the date of departure my salary being $ 2400 monthly and since Fall $ 4300 per month; besides the three years F1 visa for Master, it would be added the H1 visa for 5 years provided by the software company where I was working). At that time, I had prepared very well for the Microsoft Certified Programmer (in Visual FoxPro) exam, but I never got to sustain it because of the poisoning. I was lucky with my very good health condition at that moment (athletic body, going to the gym / bodybuilding regularly ... without vices, being used to eat healthy food, with more fruit / vegetables, etc..), otherwise I would not be able to survive. However, I had to struggle for years with very strict diet (e.g. during that year for Christmas I could eat nothing but oranges) and still I haven't fully recovered.
My last (previous) message on this forum, when I mentioned the publishing of the math behind my theory, was on 28 November 2010, as you can see above (only almost two months ago). However, I did not have both enough free time and the appropriate conditions here to complete it yet, but I will do it as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience! Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
Regarding the math behind (for) my theory, this is my main field of study, I am a mathematician (graduated Mathematics with the average 9.09, from maximum 10), but I preferred first to use the common language to make it understandable for all people, not only for the high educated ones. However, I should be able to present the mathematical model for my theory soon, through a copyrighted article (not on public forums). Then I will place the link to it on all forums where my theory was/is discussed. I like the red sentence (motto) on the ProcuratorIncendia's posts "A Genius is just a madman who turns out to be right.", but in the real life, instead of that "madman", we have a "hardworking (well trained) thinker". Thank you all for your messages related to both: "One way to explain the Universe" and "The Gravitational Isolator"! Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
Quotation from Wikipedia: "The theory of everything (TOE) is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, and, ideally, has predictive power for the outcome of any experiment that could be carried out in principle. [...] Over time, the term stuck in popularizations of quantum physics to describe a theory that would unify or explain through a single model the theories of all fundamental interactions of nature." My theory about the Universe is doing just that (the dark-blue definition of the theory of everything from the above quotation). Regarding the "Russian dolls" that you mentioned, everything is made of something smaller, not only the photons, and "vice versa" more things together create something bigger and so on (as I said: it depends only about the level of size, which can be infinitely small or infinitely big). Also regarding the smallest particle (a rotating pair of two "connected" photons) being split into energy, is there any problem in understanding the relation between particles (matter) and what we call "energy"? To make comparisons, it is like the behavior difference at a rugby football between the players running freely around (photons/energy) and the scrum/batch they make when "connecting" each other (particle), or you can consider the difference between a married man, who has created already a "particle" with his wife, and the bachelors looking (energetically search) for partners etc. About the using of the Large Hadron Collider to prove my theory I suppose that it will not cost so much (they did not spend so much money just to look at it, and not to use it because it costs too much to be used). Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
It is quite well explained into my article how everything is made of photons, and how the very fast rotation of the gravity fields around particles (the resultants of those "smallest gravity units" around the "connected" photons, which form them), besides the "quite usual attraction effect" of these gravitational fields around elementary particles, generate electromagnetism, strong interaction and weak interaction (obtaining the "Theory of everything"). The Large Hadron Collider should be able to test/prove experimentally my theory about the Universe (however, theoretically, its predictions fit with the facts known already). Also, one photon can be an entire Universe if we become small enough to go inside it, and we can go infinitely small (mathematically nothing can stop us). It depends only about the level of size, which can be infinitely small or infinitely big (to see, let us say, lots of Universes like ours forming a kind of "photon" for a much bigger Universe, and so on). Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
I am not sure what are you referring (what "predictions" do you expect). However, like Jules Verne, I can predict that, in the future, having more and more powerful computers and following the tendency to solve any problem "from the root", from the atomic level (as nanotechnology is working at the molecular level), it will be possible to synthesize any substance, actually anything (any object) by starting only with Hydrogen and using some very thin laser fascicles, emitted from different positions (angles) to "push" and arrange in space the atoms (nuclei and electrons), one by one, in the corresponding positions, following the default matrix stored in a database, corresponding to what substance/object we want to create (the arranging "one by one" will be possible with less/convenient energy consumption). In this way, using for the lasers, let us say, the free energy obtained by using the Gravitational Isolator, as discussed in my other related topic on this forum, we will be able to create anything very conveniently, any object "made from scratch" (like a "copy and paste" process): food, cars, etc. so that all people will be rich, having anything they want. Unfortunately, only then all people will consider more important the knowledge/education (useful information) than the material things. Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
You are telling about "subtracting", which I never mentioned (please go back to my presentation article/web page, also to my previous posts, to see my affirmations). Regarding "how many lasers of what power ...", these are details (particular cases) that will be experimented closer to the mass production phase. First thing that I will do, as soon as I will have both the required resources and the necessary free time, is to build a better prototype, by purchasing stronger lasers and making the surface inside a bigger disc closer to total reflection etc. Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
Are you trying to counteract gravity with mass? (it is like wanting to "dry water by adding more water" or to "suppress the fire with more fire"). This is not the principle from my Gravitational Isolator. Quotation: <<< ... having the proven interaction between light and gravitation, here comes my idea, by thinking to invert the values of this process, so that a high enough density light field "will create some troubles" to a weak enough gravity field. It is like the inverse phenomenon from a Black Hole, regarding light and gravitation, but at a much smaller level.>>> The mentioned interaction between light and gravity works in both ways like in the next explanation: Usually situation (near stars, black holes etc.): The strong man (gravity) wins the weak man (light). Gravitational Isolator situation: The previous strong man has been on a severe diet and became weak enough to loose in front of the previously weak man (light), who did some bodybuilding instead and had more meat on his diet. Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
As I mentioned already, few posts before, please bring scientific arguments (facts) to prove that I am wrong, if you disagree. So far, you just disagree, and again you make a joke, regarding airplanes becoming lighter "by turning the lights on". It is quite useless to answer, unless scientific arguments are discussed. Thank you for understanding! Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
More related info (discussions about it) can be found here: http://www.space.com/common/forums/viewtopic.php?t=25146 Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
All who read my article in details (especially the "Efficiency" paragraph) will know that your suppositions are not a serious attempt to prove something, because it is clearly stated into my presentation web page that in the case of a close enough surface to the total reflection, on the interior of the Gravitational Isolator, the high power high frequency laser will not need to run continuously but about (up to) few seconds instead, mainly function of both: how powerful the laser is and the desired level of gravitational isolation to be obtained. As I mentioned in my previous post above, let us hope that in the near future the right persons will find out about (and will take into consideration seriously) my discovery/invention. What about my other article? "One way to explain the Universe": http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/52563-one-way-to-explain-the-universe/ It has already over 70 views but no answer. Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
Quotation from my article: <<< Therefore, having the proven interaction between light and gravitation, here comes my idea, by thinking to invert the values of this process, so that a high enough density light field "will create some troubles" to a weak enough gravity field. It is like the inverse phenomenon from a Black Hole, regarding light and gravitation, but at a much smaller level. This inverted phenomenon is valid/functional, being a consequence of the Action-Reaction principle, in other words to the light bending gravity action it is opposed a corresponding action from light to the gravitational field. >>> Such a very important idea is definitely more than "a vaguely interesting question". I understand that any Physics expert can be a little envious because he did not think to such a simple solution for isolating/shielding gravity. Also, I appreciate your sense of humor on the rest of your post above, and hopefully, in the near future, my Gravitational Isolator discovery/invention will be taken into consideration more seriously so that we all (mankind) will be able to benefit from it. Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
- 53 replies
My article (web page) about my discovery/invention has the following main items: - Theoretical reasoning (based on the verified light bending by gravity, through the "1919 Total Eclipse" experiment, more experiments done years later having the same confirmation), also an intuitive explanation; - Detailed instructions about how the gravitational isolator can be built and how it should work better; - Demonstrative short movies with a simple prototype so that all can see it working (I can be seen partially also into those movies); - Samples of its main applications (gravitational propulsion, much easier launching into space, flying cars, free energy generator etc.); - My Invent Now Patent (not the official US patent but good enough until I will have the money for the official one fees). Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea Yes, the "Free Energy Generator" image from my article is very suggestive (actually my entire article "The Gravitational Isolator" is very understandable for everyone).
The above post is the reason I mentioned "By the way, it is the first time when someone is thinking to invest, even if only "few pennies"". I have just informed that no one has donated me any money, as seen also from the "Received Donations" link into my article (no donation), and NOT asking for money. Why it is so important for you that optional "Donate" link at the bottom? My idea and generally my research work/results should be taken into consideration more/first on a science forum. Regarding the D H's opinion about my discovery/invention: "this crackpot", mentioned above, I think that I have explained my reasoning well enough into my presentation article, and so far NO Physics expert could prove that I am wrong. Please bring scientific arguments (facts) to prove that I am wrong, if you disagree. Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
Regarding the difference between "investments" and "donations" I have added at the bottom of my presentation from [link deleted]: "Also, any investment or honest constructive collaboration is welcome." Thank you! ... about the prices for lasers, I have been in USA (Columbia SC) for almost one year (1999 - 2000), but now I am in Romania, my native country, so that there are different conditions and prices here, and some personal happenings (besides my work for a living) over the last years, have stopped me from doing much for the Gravitational Isolator. However, in the near future I should be able to pay both more attention and more money to it, also for getting an official US patent. By then, my current "invent now" patent is offering quite a good protection to my discovery, because from what I know, if someone else will try to apply for a "Gravitational isolator" patent, first of all the Internet will be searched if it is not already invented by other person, so that they cannot give the official patent to someone else, other than me. Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
Thank you for your messages regarding my discovery "The Gravitational Isolator". For the beginning, please read all details from my article so that you will know that it is serious (not an attempt to obtain not deserved donations). By the way, it is the first time when someone is thinking to invest, even if only "few pennies", for helping me to build a better prototype to make this important invention usable sooner. Also, I am open for any kind of honest constructive collaboration. Many thanks again! Sincerely yours, Mihail Vrapcea
! Moderator Note Posts moved from "Next step after rockets" thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/52510-what-is-the-next-step-after-rockets The next step after rockets can be the gravitational propulsion, by using "The Gravitational Isolator" as explained here: [link deleted], on the link corresponding to the first application sample image, on the left, ("those two spheres").
Hello, My opinion about our Universe is presented in a short article here: http://searchwarp.com/swa562857-One-Way-To-Explain-The-Universe.htm Quotation: <<< The creation and evolution of our Universe, including its accelerated expansion, can be explained through the following logical reasoning: The photons, resulted after Big Bang, each of them having a kind of "graviton" with it (in other words, the smallest gravity unit being associated with a photon), have started to join each other, when they were "close enough" to each other, so that the smallest elementary particle can be considered the one formed by joining two photons, which were "close enough" to "connect" each other. Next, this first elementary particle, was coming in contact with other photon and formed the second type of elementary particle, also two first elementary particles joined together have formed the third type of elementary particle and so on ... in time ... all the today's known elementary particles have been formed. Therefore, by forming the particles of matter as mentioned above, the resultant of the joined "smallest gravity units", around each particle, have generated the gravity as we know it today (more elementary particles are in a celestial body, bigger/stronger gravity field is around it). [...] electrons behave like "tornadoes rotating in one sense" and protons like "tornadoes rotating in the opposite sense" having possible their attraction, until a specific distance, because their rotating gravitational fields are interacting in the same direction when combine each other, but for the same charges case, their combined gravitational fields are interacting in opposite directions, repelling each other. As a conclusion, all forces known in our Universe (including all forms of matter manifestations) are results of these elementary particles behavior/interactions, function of their type (how many photons are containing), their rotation around themselves (including their gravitational field rotation in the same sense) and their position in space (how close they are one from each other), having the initial moving, given by the Big Bang, influenced (changed) continuously. [...] The accelerated expansion of the Universe can be due to the "gravitational glue" becoming weaker while the distances between galaxies increase, and some possible huge black holes from other "close enough" Universes around our Universe, attract the matter from the margins (along the borders) of our Universe (therefore we may not need any "dark energy" to explain the accelerated expansion of our Universe, like the today's astrophysicists are supposing). The ending of each Universe can be a huge black hole, which, if its mass is big enough, in time may produce a new Big Bang, giving birth in this way to a new Universe. Author Mihail Vrapcea Romania, Europe P.S. One of the most important results from my theory is that any subatomic particle has its own gravity field, rotating at very high speed in the same sense with the particle's rotation, so that ALL other forces/interactions, electromagnetism, strong interaction and weak interaction, are generated by these high speed rotating gravity fields interactions (obtaining the "Grand Unified Theory" or the so called "Theory of Everything"). >>>
I am placing the quotation from my article here, so that please remove completely my previous message, above, from where the link has been removed. Thank you! An additional more intuitive explanation: The very high density of photons, at their high speed, will make the distances between them so small that most of the gravitons from the gravitational field, which can be imagined, for the elementary particles, like/what the air (or wind) is for the objects into our atmosphere, will be stopped/deviated by this barrier of photons, like the sail it's quite a barrier for the wind (the distances in the usual matter, between elementary particles, being huge, much much bigger than the distances between photons inside the gravitational isolator).
An additional more intuitive explanation, about how the Gravitational Isolator works, can be found now into my article from:
Thank you for your answer, but you forgot to quote my explanation too: - Not enough sleep, too much stress, inadequate food, sedentary etc. will make ugly a previously beautiful person (mainly, by decreasing the power of the immunity system). - Happy life, without stress, with enough sleep daily, good food, playing into fresh air (doing sport into nature periodically) will make beautiful a previously ugly person (mainly, by increasing the power of the immunity system). It is not about being reach or poor, but about the quality of life (there are poor people that have healthier life than many rich people, it depends on education level, habits, morality, contracted diseases etc.). Also, what I forgot to mention in my opinion above is the time required, which can be longer to become more beautiful, than the time with low/bad quality of life to become less beautiful.
Beauty (natural beauty) is an indicator of the health level, specially the power of the immunity system, for each person. There are "beauty" differences between children, given by the DNA compatibility of their parents (usually, the true love between parents, indicates a good DNA compatibility, producing strong immunity system to their children). Fact: Besides DNA, most important influence (maybe more important than DNA) is given by the quality of life, which is making people look more or less beautiful. Explanation: - Not enough sleep, too much stress, inadequate food, sedentary etc. will make ugly a previously beautiful person (mainly, by decreasing the power of the immunity system). - Happy life, without stress, with enough sleep daily, good food, playing into fresh air (doing sport into nature periodically) will make beautiful a previously ugly person (mainly, by increasing the power of the immunity system). Conclusion: Both, the DNA information received from parents, and mostly the quality of life, are deciding the way we look: more or less beautiful.
This thread is called "The universe is expanding exponentially" and my quotation from my article is a possible answer exactly to the questions placed on this thread in the beginning, as seen above (therefore it is on-topic). Should we not give an answer other than the ones from the existent books? A debate is supposing to make us think and find new possible solutions, not only to reproduce already existent info from related books, magazines etc.