I suffer from schizophrenia, manic depression and have just found out that my glucous level is high. All your articles have been really interesting to read and i can agree with many of the points raised. I take Olanzapine as my antipsychotic drug and as a result have unfortunately put on a lot of weight, yet to not take it would result in paranoid schizophrenia, I confess that I still do not know the difference of atypical and typical, it's all a bit of a muchness. People find, sometimes by trial of many different types, which tablet calms the troubled mind. I do think the drug companies even here in the U.K. influence the doctors decisions. I would not know how I would fair if I was to live in America with the paid for medical system that they have. To not receive the latest drugs because they are not affordable means that some people are getting an out of date service and are essencially second class citizens to those who cannot afford modern care. Back to the first point, It could be coincidental that I fullfill the prophesy of Diabetes linked to mental illness, I think it's hireditary, finaly though, I say sod it if it's going to get me down.