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About cpwmatthews

  • Birthday 04/19/1964

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  • Location
    Rotherham, UK
  • Interests
    computers, stratergy and RPG games
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    single dreamer
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  • Meson

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Meson (3/13)



  1. i'd rather read little an imagine lots, I agree that light may be multidimetionable thus allowing it to go everywhere and that a beam only exhists because it is focused in that direction but it interesting to thnk it can be quantified
  2. I thought that if we could travell at light speed away from the light we would be in blackness as we had out run the light? As for the passenger travelling at that speed, wouldn't the out side close by be blurred and only become visible at great distance as we could not fix our attention on anything close. I'm sure there is a maths formula to structure the distance away needed to enable a stationary view. In a previous forum i learnt that humans see at 70 frames per second anything quicker and we may not see it close up but with distance the length of the field of view broadens and we get the chance to see more, sorry if it sounds crazy, as Einstein said knowledge is not as important as immagination.
  3. Avast has worked better for me than AVG, it picks up problems quicker and has a good auto update
  4. Yes but what do you want it to do ?
  5. What would you be looking to get from a board that you can't get from posting new topics? I love the use of good language probably because my hobby is theatre directing but people in the world i think are loosing the art of good communication by the growing trend towards slang. I don't want to harp on but in yester years there was better music and hardly any TV, people gathered around the harth to talk and relay information of the day. I love this internet and this site as a springboard for discussion and am all in favour of people taking an interest in expanding their vocabulary.
  6. you haven't said anything about the construction of the computer, Some older cpu's have an electrical connection to the fan which may be loose, also with time some of the cards themselves may come loose from their mountings, push Em back in, also the cables to the power supply. Lastly check the connections at the rear of the case for fit.
  7. There are particles, and you must forgive my idiousy, that are constantly falling on our planet, the hell if I can remember the name, Nutrinos?? Any way what we do know about gravity is that it acts all around the earth but do we know if gravity exerts the same force at every point around the earth i.e. north south e.t.c.? We know gravity is less in space so from that we can concur that our atmosphere also plays a part in increasing it's effects. but the one fact that is obvious is that it is always connected to the centre of what ever planet you are on, what do you think?
  8. I think the very fact that we are talking about language and it's uses is an encouraging sign that all people would welcome. Have you ever been in a debate and suddenly found yourself stuck for that one elusive word? Quote by Genecks: "The limits of one's language is the limit of one's world and universe." I would say that it does not limit your world, merely the amount of colour with which you can describe it.
  9. Forgive me straight away as I have never done university but I read your piece down to the annhialation bit, I proposed last week that photons may have a definative mass, is that what you are measuring, if so type on. I see particles as bags of liquid that are as big as their energy state and constantly changeing shape, based loosley around a sphericle shape, what do you think?
  10. Nice question, I would think it will be the frontal lobe as it takes in information from the eyes, the left and right parts of the brain would then dictate the 'colour' if you like of the words or symbals that are created.
  11. If as you say that a new universe is created at every choice then where would all of them coexist? The big question we all would be asking would be "What if" What this says to me is that we can all delve into the future by Planning out our options like a game of chess.
  12. I suffer from schizophrenia, manic depression and have just found out that my glucous level is high. All your articles have been really interesting to read and i can agree with many of the points raised. I take Olanzapine as my antipsychotic drug and as a result have unfortunately put on a lot of weight, yet to not take it would result in paranoid schizophrenia, I confess that I still do not know the difference of atypical and typical, it's all a bit of a muchness. People find, sometimes by trial of many different types, which tablet calms the troubled mind. I do think the drug companies even here in the U.K. influence the doctors decisions. I would not know how I would fair if I was to live in America with the paid for medical system that they have. To not receive the latest drugs because they are not affordable means that some people are getting an out of date service and are essencially second class citizens to those who cannot afford modern care. Back to the first point, It could be coincidental that I fullfill the prophesy of Diabetes linked to mental illness, I think it's hireditary, finaly though, I say sod it if it's going to get me down.
  13. What if gravity was not a downward pull but a downward force? Say that particles from our atmosphere are attracted to the centre of the earth and exert some downward motion, crazy maybe,
  14. Thanks 5614 i guess that's it, a new machine build, I can't wait.
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