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Everything posted by BigG

  1. Hey guys. I've just passed my Earth Science degree with a 2:1 class and thought i'd share a couple of books I found very useful during my degree. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cassells-Atlas-Evolution-Earth-Landscape/dp/0304355119/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top Cassells Atlas of Evolution Earth Landscape. The cheapest copy I can find online is £325 GBP, I was lucky enough to have access to this book in my library. If you can get a copy of this or get your library to purchase a copy it come very highly recommended. Out of all the books I used during my course I've never seen a book so clearly set out. Another great book I recommend was written by one of my lecturers who is very well renouned in Marine Science circles. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/140202746X Although some of the issues are becoming a little dated, this book provided me with some key references during my many essays. Hope this helps!
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