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Everything posted by Atlantic

  1. microwaves are transverse, you can't hear transverse waves. The ultra high buzz that you hear (part of it is ultrasonic), its just a sound (longitudial) that is generated in the CRT.
  2. lol thanks guys
  3. Mars is quite close to earth gravity, so i wouldn't go that far
  4. How could you prevent that....?
  5. Nahh it can't happen, yes it will implode, and you can't establish proper electrostatic forces to hold it together. Gravity and Elecrostatic forces aren't the same. Nice theory though BTW: The big bang theory has been disproven the same number of times as Shlieman had pills (conservation of angular momentum with relation to space object's movement, and other interesting points.), but the problem is, no other solution has been proven therefore they ignorantly continue to publish big bang in the text books.
  6. Does anyone know how to clean the LCD screens from dust??
  7. I just wanted to get some opinions, is the world overcrowding with people? My opinion is no (not yet at least), if you get all the people you can nicely fit them all shoulder to shoulder in Jacksonville Florida. Another factor is food.
  8. Micro-organisms have a better chance at helping us than plants. Based on some chemical reactions in them i studied before.
  9. Thats due to rectilinear propagation of light. Basically, the light spreads from an object in all diretions (grade 2) When you are close, your eyes capture more light, and therefore view more surface area of the object. When further away, your eyes capture less light rays from that object, and therefore the visual surface area is reduced.
  10. if that happens the force has to be distributed on the outside of the ufo, so it would look like a large doghnut, i would think. Yes the earth has a magnetic field that bends sun's microwave radiation away from our planet, otherwise we would fry to death. The magnetic field isn't intense enough to hold up anything like that. And due to the polarities, the force cannot be directed UP to hold the ship up, notice how the compas needle does not point UP or DOWN. Keep that in mind Thats my theory.
  11. Which would you guys say would be the most radioactive element?
  12. what does electronegativity has to do with being metalic? Its not a property is it?
  13. I see it, thank ya all
  14. thanks MrL_JaKiri, explained it well
  15. tungsten is my choice too, I am not sure for non-metallic, either helium or Flourine
  16. cesium has low melting point and Not very ductile and malleable if you ask me Would aluminum be up there? btw for those who don't know or don't remember: properties of metals: dense, solids, grey, shiny, malleable and ductile, conduct electricity and heat, and have a high melting point.
  17. What would you say would be most metallic and non-metallic?
  18. Why does reactivity increase as you go down a group (column) for alkali metals (H, Li, Na, K, etc.) and decrease as you go down a group for halogens (F, Cl, etc.) Something to do with outer shells? Thanks in advance.
  19. what are the variables? Thanks
  20. Sorry, it has been so long since i took math. If you have a value (lets say 8000) decreasing by 13% every hour (13% of its actual value not the original value). What would be the formula to find out the current value after 5 hours. Its like bonds. You invest money and it keeps increasing in accordance with the current value. thanks in advance.
  21. F_n = F_g cos(theta) theta is the elevation of the hill bottom>up. The equation i know for sure works, but i don't know if i can use it on finding friction. Can it? Here is the picture i did in pain, lets you see what i'm thinking........... attachment
  22. I am analyzing an object sliding down a hill. I have the gravitational potential energy, gravitational force, Net Force (moving down the hill), acceleration, mass, normal force (on sloped surfaces, that is on the "Y" axis.....i think). How do i find out the force due to friction. Right now all I did was subtract the net force from force due to gravity(mg=F), and got a number. Is that number the force due to friction, if not, how can i find it. Thanks in advance.
  23. This may be a stupid question, but what numbers are prime and which aren't prime from -4 to +4 My friend and I are puzzled about 0 and 1. It has been too long since we recalled. thanks
  24. awww please.......throw this guy a towel I, somehow thought you wanted it to be a discussion. If you don't, thats fine. BTW: cheese was just a humorous metaphor, i am not actually trying to prove the point As far as i know, there was a scientific debate recently ( dont' know how recent), where they proved evolutionism wrong. Purchase a tape a listen to the 25-hour-long debate. Once again, i appologize to work this thread against your intent, i shall put an end to this "debate"
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