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About zeropoint

  • Birthday 02/04/1950


  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. The question, should youth in asia be legalized. The answer, yes. I don't agree that it would be abused by criminals if we set it up such that the process would have to be notarized, sanctified, decriminalized, homogenized, and otherwise made to confirm to all forms of paper trails of legalese. Legalized weddings involve paperwork at the county level. Perhaps this sort of documenting is what can decriminalize the process. Like marriage, which involves legal papers, euthanasia would be recorded at some government level. Unlike, divorce, it would not involve as much of a gravytrain for the attorney, nor excess burden on the legal system if set up this way. I believe in TOTAL freedom of the idividual in as many situations as possible where it does not deprive other people of their rights and freedoms.
  2. Maybe our attempt to "harness" this energy is being done in a fashion similar to trying to lassoo the moon with a rope. Linda
  3. Yes, please tell us about the flaws in The Final Theory. Linda
  4. Yeah, she just might. BTW: You might try digging into the market since you aren't allowed to work during school term. I can't say as I blame your parents for not allowing you to work during school. Gotta keep up the grades. :-] zeropoint
  5. All of history is wrong??? Is that like trying to make me believe that what I see is not real or something? I'm not familiar with books that try to prove all of history is wrong. It's an interesting concept but I think something is amiss. zeropoint
  7. Quite right. Here's what I did... While you're dilly-dallying around and passing the MCAT, you might enroll in some online credit courses. I did Harvard online 4 credits in neuroscience - the credits carry the same weight as if you had actually attended on-campus classes. I am now in Penn State doing the same thing with physiology 4 credits. I don't waste valuable time. I finished a tough class in the top 5%. This can be a tremendous boost to your academic career. You are wise to ask what you can be doing. My Harvard professor would agree. If you want neuroscience at Harvard, say hello to my professor, Dr. Shawn Murphy, PhD. when you enroll :-] zeropoint
  8. zeropoint


  9. zeropoint


  10. zeropoint


    Suppose the very act of thinking about this choice were already known? Already destined? Now where does that leave you? Suppose one were already headed in ONE of the directions and the mind somehow "knew" that so that it chose the one that is most appropriate for the already destined outcome? ??? Suppose both, or three or four paths exist and the mind simply chooses which one to pursue "first" (keeping in mind my proposal that "time" is an illusion) owing to some sort of propensity or applied rational that has to do with latent talent or ability? Lots of possibilities here. zeropoint
  11. Not sure what your ph meter has to do with the question. I used the Nerst equation in neuroscience class in figuring action potentials and certainly the ph does trigger an action potential. However, not much to do with temperature as far as needing to set up a contraption for refrigeration. ??? zeropoint
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