Firstly, thank you for your time and consideration to anyone who reads this. I am almost certain that what I'm about to attempt to explain is how gravity works, not the details but the general principle of it's operation, the underlying mechanism of it, and it's implications and it should not be a waste of your time. Actually it's been 3 years since I first published a lesser explanation on it without much interests, I haven't been able to prove anything and really lack the knowledge and expertise at this time to prove it, but I've still been working on it and perhaps now it will make a little more sense to someone...also if I've misposted this theory very sorry I'm trying to get it to as many readers as possible and in my haste may have broken some forum rule.
If we truly understood gravity like the other forces of light, electricity, magnetism, the stong nuclear forces, why can we do so little with it?
I hope to impart that gravity is merely an electromagnetic force in fact it is the the strong atomic force except, gravitation is at such distance that it does not "communicate directly" from one, say, electron to the proton of a hydrogen atom.
To try to explain it I ask you to imagine 2 of the simplest atoms, hydrogen atoms, and these are seperated by some distance such that we know only gravity is the force operating between them, perhaps 1 meter, and we also know that no matter how small a bit of matter is or how large there is always a gravitational force between them- an attraction, and always an attraction.
An atom of hydrogen has one electron spinning around one proton, and it's spin is 3 demensional, and there is no pattern to it if left unaffected by some magnetic feild or such it is a completely random spin around this positively charged proton, as is the other atom of hydrogen 1 meter away, so if we were to suppose that the atom acted like a bar magnet with a positive end and a negative end spinning around in empty space at tremendous speeds it would make no difference, because it is an entirely random spin, this is to say that these two "bar magnets" are going to align themselves to one another in some attractive way just as often as align themselves in some repulsive way, so you see what difference does it make to ask this question? But here is the difference; when two magnets are aligned to one another they attract and as they attract the force between them varies inversely to the square of the distance which means they accelerate toward one another, furthermore, as they find some equally probably repulsive alignement they repel from one another and decelerate away from each other, and so THE NET RESULT OF THIS ATTRACTION AND REPULSION = A TINY AMOUNT OF ATTRACTION...
Atoms are not magnets, but what they share in common is that all matter in stable existence is composed of positive and negative charges moving around one another, even the subatomic matter is still more positve and negative charges in some mutual and moving relationship, but hydrogen is the simplest and Van Der Walls forces might be the a good clue to why the is how it works, and also it is somewhat difficult to imagine that every little tiny atoms might be exerting it's own individual gravity wave to the entire universe it just doesn't seem possible and yet we see every little bit of light on the objects around us even from the farthest galaxies in our universe, it is all accounted for, I suspect gravity if an electromagnet wave is of little difference in this regard.
One way to prove this would be to calculate what two atoms of hydrogen would do in this way, but computing this in 3 demensions is a probability nightmare to me, so I use a rudimentry substitute of the most attractive and repulsive alignments for all possible alignments and came up with a number that is about 1/5th the force of gravity...close but not defenite proof, but then I used only arithmetic and a bit of algebra to do this, perhaps with more advanced mathematics I more accurate solution would be found, although there is still the very likely possibility that gravity works on many scales, that is not only must the atomic scale be accounted for, but more importantly the additive of the subatomic scale, maybe even an entire solar system on some scale has a little bit of additive gravitational force due to it's polarity like the Earth itself but I would guess that the larger the scale the less gravitational effect it has, it seemed to much to consider so I left it at this, feeling that at least the number is close so it's unlikely I'm on the wrong track- I mean the fact is there is some sort of force here, the principle of attraction makes it clear that there is some sort of force and it has a net attraction, what other force could it be if not gravity? Still this line of reasoning is false, unless we have eliminated all other possiblities, but who knows.
If this is how gravity works then the speed of gravity should be fairly easy to calculate, and probably harder to prove, it should be at the cutoff point at which gravity takes over and the strong forces leave off, because as the electron moves around the proton at maybe 1/20th the speed of light it's going to take about half the distance of 20x the atomic radius between the two atoms for "direct atomic communication" to take place which is the strong force, after that distance it becomes gravitational forces...unless gravity waves move at the square of the speed of light which is my guess.
An expirement you can easily set up to demonstrate the principle of attraction in gravity perhaps:
Take a magnet and tie a string around it such the the north end and south are parrellel to the horizon, now you can either wind the sting up or twist it in your fingers or attach a small motor to the other end of the string the point is to get this dangling magnet to spin around in a circle such the we now know that the + end and the - end are as likely to be in one point of the circle as the other, it is completely random. Now take another magnet and with the + end (also parrellel to the horizon) move it toward the spinning magnet, what do you suppose will happen? Will the spinning magnet repel or attract, or will it stay in one spot? Curiously, and defying the common sense of most anyone, the spinning magnet shall always attract to the stationary one regardless of which end approaches + or -, this is because as the magnet spins I suspect is accelerates toward the stationary one when it is in an attractive alignment, and just as often it is in a repulsive alignment but when it repels it decelerates away and the net result of this is a tiny bit of attraction and always an attraction. I believe this demonstrates the principle of attraction very clearly but it does not prove this this same principle can apply to gravity.
The Ether Theory:
A century ago it was believe that light and gravity must have a means of propogation through empty space, that there must be some substance underlying it all that allowed for this to happen, the reason being that all energy had to have some bit of matter that allowed it to transfer it's force from one area to another or form to another form, just like sound must have air or water perhaps to allow it to be heard, but eventually it was abandoned.
I can only speculate for now, but what I suspect the ether actually is, is that it is the pure + and pure - charges that exist in the universe that have no relationship that is they are free from one another in a kind of grid formation + to - to + to -, think about it...all matter that we know of in a stable existence is made up of + and negative charges working together, and the matter that isn't( such as in supercolliders) quickly winks out of existence, and where does it go if "matter can never be created nor destroyed"? Think about the Tesla lines around a magnet, how do they form? What causes them to form? Why lines anyway, why not a cloud of magnetic field? Now think about what would happen to this supposed ether I've proposed in it's gridlike formation if we stuck a bar magnet in it, all the little negatives would go to the positive end and the positives would go to the negative end, but where ever there is much positive negative is close to follow, these lines that form may in fact be a sandwiching of the + and - ether charges up against one another, but draw a picture of it or use dimes and pennies to represent them and see how neatly it should form tesla lines as the 2 charges fit where they must fit.
Knowing how gravity works it is easy to see that the oceans don't just rise and fall due to the moons extra gravitational exertion, but that water is abundant in hydrogen atoms which are the best little gravity magnets around unlike a very large atom with a more electrically neutral appeance to it(on the atomic scale), so that water is especially affected by the moon, what might be dismissed as Van der Walls forces but that only applies from a molecule of water to water, not water to moon, in fact I would bet that a gallon of water would decrease in weight a greater percent than a pound of lead when the moon is directly overhead, this being due to the especially gravitational properties of hydrogen, that would also be some bit of proof, but would probably take some very expensive instruments to detect. Also like I asked from the start If we truly understood how gravity worked why can we do so little with it? Would it be so impossible to create an ether vacuum, like an air vacuum, that wouldn't allow light or gravity or any electromagnetic wave to travel through? This would mean you could build such a device and levitate objects above it or reduce their weight, it would mean you could lift 1 ton 10 ft in the air as if it were 1 pound and then turn the barrier off, hook this up to some pulley system and generators and create a huge amount of free energy, this should be impossible, but the reason I know this is true is because the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate...think about it, we are repelling at an accelerated rate... gravity attracts at an accelerated rate... it's a matter of perspective, on a small scale gravity attracts, on a large scale everthing space gravity is attracted everything together yet the potential energy of objects is determined by their distance from one another, so if gravity is reducing all this potential energy on one smaller scale which very often object never hit the ground as with Newton's apple, then where this energy go? It goes into the expansion of the universe, perhaps, which is why I think it's possible to lift a ton weight at virtually no energy expense and then drop it under normal gravity to generate energy, having mastered gravity, we would be able to tap into it's power and control it, and someday soon I hope, we are going to explore this galaxy in vehicles that are immune to g-forces, that can move freely throughout the universe without any propultion system, but by masking the gravitational waves on top of you, below you, behind and to your sides in space you would only feel the gravity from in front of you and since gravitational attraction is all relative you might quickly begin to accelerate forward in some vehicle, possibly even to surpass the speed of light to nearly a square of it.
If you have any questions, or if you want to investigate these ideas further on your own or in collaboration feel free usually it's whoever proves a theory with indisputable mathematical reasoning that gets primary credit for it's discovery as it should be, and I would be glad to try to explain any of it, I mean I've been puzzling over it for 12 years now and even I still can't quite understand it so I imagine trying to understand it from someone else in less than 15 minutes with mostly words is far more difficult.