I am going to leave this to Rolfe at the moment, he is pursuing a new tack on this trial thing, that does cover most of the same territory that I would have got into, but it does look like an interesting angle. I think I'll wait and see how you get on with following the protocol. I would agree that I think you have the integrity to report honestly back to us if you take it on.
In the meantime, since you communicate with Albert, does he have an answer to what got called Albert's Logical Impasse at the BBC site, where he rejects trials because he doesn't like the homeopaths who took part, but seems to ask us to accept those homeopaths' clinical experiences (even though they may not be the purist that he is)?
(If he can reply without abuse then I'll engage with the discussion, but if it's more of the same then I'm not going to bother. I think we can take for granted all the abusive stuff by now, we've got the glossary: quack, ars, ignorant fool etc etc. Why doesn't he post here? Was he banned? Ahh, I just checked the members' list and answered my own question. He is banned. I'll not subvert the Mods' intentions by communicating with him via you acting as proxy, so I think we'd best leave it at that. And perhaps you should avoid forwarding his stuff or the Mods might extend their judgement to you, which would be a shame when we're in the middle of something. Have you suggested that he could tone it down a bit if we wants to stay in forums like this? )