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Everything posted by SNAVEZNAD

  1. helloooooo ryan
  2. try http://www.GAK.co.uk , i get all my guitar stuff from there, they're quite cheap too. Try ebay, theres bound to be one on there
  3. Is there anything that is evn older than liquid Helium:confused: or isit the coolest of the cool?
  4. Resident Evil is a great movie, Dawn of the Dead too (the re-make), they had science in them din't they? well, maybe a bit,but great to watch none the less. I lovedthe Back to the Future movies, apart from the western one, too much of it was ruied by that Clara woman, falling in love with the Doc'
  5. If you light thermite, does anyone know of anythin you can do to stop the reaction?? or is 2500+ degrees of molten iron simply unstoppable:confused:
  6. i have many memories from a young age, but i havn't a clue which was my first. I don't even think those memories are from the same year, maybe even 1-3 years apart LOL
  7. what is marmite actually supposed to taste of?? even the thoght of smelling it makes me cringe
  8. you can twitch your ears, kwl! how ? i've never been able to do it, and would like to knwo how
  9. if it's tone ur looking for, u need to lose any major excess fat which could hide your muscles, aswell as bulking up the muscle(s). If u want definition in muscle, try takin Creatin Monohydrate from a healthfood shop, i've been told it 'forces' water in with the muscle, defining them. If u dont want to bulk up, lift a lot of a little; do more reps rather than increasing the weight your using. A set of dumbells, barbell and a bench will help you with your desired goal, rather than using only your body as resistance(push ups, pullups etc)
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