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  1. Thanks Ryan I will read it
  2. I read over the articles on Wikipedia yesterday and with my understanding the answers are for 1 G, and 2 E. Can you please tell me if they totally wrong or are I am one the right way with one of the??? Thanks Ryan
  3. Hey all, I am taking science in college and I am trying to do some homework. I have problems with two questions. I think 1. is G and 2. is E but I am not sure. Maybe someone can help me. 1. the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics a. is a restriction law b. states the total amount of energy in an y system does not change c. puts limits on the amount of usable energy that can be transferred d. states that the total amount of usable energy that any process transfers is less than the total amount of energy that went into the process e. the difference in the amount of energy put into a system and the amount of usable energy coming out of a system is called thermal energy f. all of the above g. all of the above except e 2. Entropy a. A measure of disorder in a system b. Is measure of chaos in a system c. Cannot be destroyed d. Can be created e. All of the above f. None of the above Thanks
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