I was just wholly glad that Hillary stood her ground and fired some some nice facts back to Trump's face. I was smiling slightly inside but I can tell you that Trump made himself a "believable" candidate for people that aligns with his views. Trump was acting like a bully with his cocked head, scorn look and frown, lifting his shoulders occasionally, periods of intrupption and talking over the talk host Lester Holt. I thought Lester did a fantastic job, much better than the last moderator. Holt made Trump clarify some of things that he said, and I wondered a couple of times if Trump was acting like he did because Hillary is a woman. He even admitted during the presidential debate that he didn't pay any federal taxes for the last 15 years! In close, Hillary portrayed a wise choice and I hope she prevails but at the same time, I have a bad feeling that Trump COULD and MAY win. It is literally scary.
Also you guys should check out CNN's Fact Checkers of the presidential debate and it says that Trump lied more than Clinton. Does a sane person want him as US president? Unfortunately we can't take common sense for granted so there will be people that will vote for him regardless - just because he has lots of money. So irrational.