I'm currently trying to obtain red iron oxide by electrolysis in NaCl solution, but i'm slightly skeptical on what ive actually obtained.
Heres how I'm doing it....
First of all I connected a 9v battery to crocadile clips and placed them in the solution and identified the cathode as it was bubbling a great deal more than the other. To this I attached a carbon rod and to the other an iron nail.
I left this for a few hours and when I looked at it a minute ago there was a viscous dark brown/green precipitate floating on top. At the bottom and covering the nail, a layer of black precipitate has formed. I would imagine that the bottom layer is due to the decomposition of the carbon rod but I havn't a clue what the top layer is?
Is it possible that I have formed the other oxide of iron, magnetite?
Any one know whats going on?
I'm also experimenting with heating the iron with bleach but its painfully slow.
Anyway help would be much appreciated.