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Everything posted by aj47

  1. My guess is that they put fiberglass in, not to make it the deal look bigger or heavier, but to make it appear more potent. I would imagine fiberglass would look similar to the white powdery THC crystals are the main psycoactive constituent of the plant so people would think it is better quality. Anyway one quite disturbing thing I heard the other day is that apparantly cigarette companies often lace thier tobbaco with fiberglass. This supposdly form lots of micro cuts on your throat allowing the nicotine to enter your blood stream quicker. I'm not sure how true this is but im glad I smoke loose tobbaco not cigarettes.
  2. The Office Family guy The Simpsons 15 stories high Blackadder
  3. As far as I know 5-HTP can alter REM sleep and I was thinking, do you think that this could be attributed to why people claim cheese casues nightmares?
  4. Out of interest what were you planning to do with it?
  5. I'm currently trying to obtain red iron oxide by electrolysis in NaCl solution, but i'm slightly skeptical on what ive actually obtained. Heres how I'm doing it.... First of all I connected a 9v battery to crocadile clips and placed them in the solution and identified the cathode as it was bubbling a great deal more than the other. To this I attached a carbon rod and to the other an iron nail. I left this for a few hours and when I looked at it a minute ago there was a viscous dark brown/green precipitate floating on top. At the bottom and covering the nail, a layer of black precipitate has formed. I would imagine that the bottom layer is due to the decomposition of the carbon rod but I havn't a clue what the top layer is? Is it possible that I have formed the other oxide of iron, magnetite? Any one know whats going on? I'm also experimenting with heating the iron with bleach but its painfully slow. Anyway help would be much appreciated.
  6. 'Cummingtonite' - Classic
  7. aj47


    I agree, some of my texts have some of the most blatent mistakes. It drives me crazy when I do a question giving an answer which according to the text its wrong causing me to spend hours rereading the text to find out where my mistake occured. Why don't we just lynch them all
  8. Lol wow, I think this is an experiment I might try to recreate.
  9. aj47

    Merry Christmas

    or Ricky Gervais ''The Office'' thats a classic.
  10. aj47

    The Truman Show

    I was the same except I used to think everyone could read my mind aswell. I must of been a pretty screwed up kid.
  11. Is this a question or just your own thoughts on the subject?
  12. aj47


    Interesting but when you say destroyed, do you mean spliting molecules into atoms or as in atoms splitting it into protons and neutrons etc etc
  13. aj47


    I'm confused becasue although Helium has a high 1st ionization energy level of around 2000kj mol, I would imagine it is relatively easy to achieve. So surely if you had a mole of helium ions they would quite readily react with a nucleophile or anion to form an ionic bond?
  14. aj47

    Merry Christmas

    and the family guys a must have for any household IMO
  15. People would take even more pleasure in eating thier own crap What if people did not grow physically and mentally after the age of seven?
  16. Interesting, thanks
  17. would that not make them easy targets for predators?
  18. Sorry for my ignorance but what is armstrong mix and hypothetically speaking can it be made from household or easily obtained products?
  19. This is a bit random but its been bothering me for a while... How do aquatic mammals (e.g. dolphins) who do not have gills, sleep if they have to constantly resurface for air?
  20. aj47


    Interestingly, up until the 70s it was a custom to eat the dead at funerals in papa new guinea, apparantly the brain was particualy prized as it was thought to pass on intelligence.
  21. If you look like Viktor Yushchenko you should be worried. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/12/11/yushchenko.austria/
  22. I had a similar experience when I was about 12 and had to go to hospital as my nose was quite literally gushing out blood for two or three hours. Every nbow and then I thought the blood had clotted so I would breathe through my nose and a big lump black clotted blood would fall out. I must of lost about quater of a pint of blood alone all over my room so it looked like a scene in a horror movie. I ended staying up till about three in the morning in the hospital holding an ice pack against my face with a clip thingy to squeeze the blood vessels at the top of my nose. It was pretty horrible to say the least.
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