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Everything posted by alchemy

  1. i know that but i am talking about the polar ice cap
  2. Ok we know that global warming is a fact and it can cause the polar ice caps to melt. But my question is this, isn't the polar ice caps just a giant block of ice that sits on top of the ocean? So even if it melts its shouldn’t cause the sea level to rise a lot. Why? Because if u take a glass of water and put a ice cube in it cause the water level to rise, however after the ice have melted the water level stays the same. So if the polar ice caps is just a giant ice block that set onto of the ocean doesn't that mean even if it melts it shouldn’t cause the sea level to rise? Maybe somebody has mentioned this before but i can't find it anywhere. So am i right???
  3. i am still lost.....????
  4. ok..... so how do i find the real password and username???
  5. ok i got to level 2, can anyone help me find the usename for level 2 i found the password
  6. ayyyy ignorance people should really not post any statement. funny post by the way.
  7. i see
  8. Hi we have already created antibiotics that can kill or slow down bacteria so my question is. Is it possible to creat an antivirus to kill or slow down virus? if so any idea y haven't we created any yet? maybe this is a stupid question?
  9. hmmm not sure but if e=mc^2 then couldn't m=e/c^2?
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