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Everything posted by savviesodapop

  1. ok so im doing science fair at my school and i'm going to start conductiong my experiment but im sort of undecided. You see, what i want to do is go into either a my classrooms and conduct my experiment or go to a public place and do it. What i'm going to be doing is on behavioral science and its about how people react. i'm not sure how to word that, sorry. Like im going in, not going to talk to anyone and bring a bag of stuff and dump the bag on the table and put the stuff back inside and repeat this like ten times. While im doing this im going to have one of my friends record what it is that people are doing around me, like whether or not theyre staring at me, whispering, attempting to avoid me, ext. I was just wondering if anyone sees any, like, problems with this or thinks i should tweak this at all. Any help would be great! thanks!
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