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About TonyMcC

  • Birthday 12/23/1937

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  • Location
    Leicester, UK


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  1. TonyMcC

    Is it possible?

    Competitors in high level rifle shooting learn to slow their breathing and heart rate to hold the weapon steady as they squeeze the trigger.
  2. I'm not ignoring you Akbar - I just don't know. I do know that there are much fewer medicines for viral illness than for bacterial illness. The link will give you more information. The attachment is taken from the link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiviral_drug
  3. If I can't get to sleep it's usually because some problem or conflict is occupying my mind. If that is the case I find it helps to think out any solution that seems at least remotely plausible. I think a brain at bedtime can accept an unlikely solution in order to ease itself, even if that solution proves impractical in the morning.
  4. What you say is true. Prevention is mainly concerned with eliminating mosquitoes and mosquito bites. There is hope for a vaccine in a few years time. The link gives much information. The attachment is an excerpt from the link. http://www.medicinenet.com/dengue_fever/article.htm
  5. To be fair to you, I realise that what I said did not properly describe what I meant!! The end result of what I concluded should make what I meant quite clear. But, of course that isn't really good enough. ( especially for a mathematician?)
  6. Be fair Dr. the whole darn thing has been pretty unrealistic - lol
  7. The different orb society = flat earth society lol.
  8. That's the obvious answer - unfortunately its wrong. What if x was 0cm? Give you any ideas?
  9. All now seems in order - I'm happy - I'm sure we all are happy! +1 for Spyman and Cap'n for their assistance.
  10. I don't want to give too much away, but I was thinking of a different orb society!
  11. What would be easier to work with than a cube?
  12. If the other person's picture and link do not appear in my profile should I send them a message asking them to request me as a friend? Or might that confuse the issue?
  13. I see you there Cap'n - thank you for that. I have tried Ctrl+F5 a few times and also tried clearing browser data. Still the person mentioned as accepting in an email yesterday doesn't show - although I show on theirs. It is likely that they have to approve, but I assume from the email and because I do show in their profile that has been done. I am using Google Chrome. Is it possible that the information is held in their browsing data and may not be accessed for a time?
  14. (IMO) Perhaps none of us is actually quite at one extreme or the other. Those that believe in God can't prove His existence and those that don't believe can't prove He doesn't exist. Perhaps there is need of a scale and words to say where we fit on it?
  15. This is the only forum I use and until recently never wanted to add anyone as my friend although I have been a member for two years. I see friendship (even forum friendship) as a two way link. We are friends makes more sense than saying **** is my friend but I don't know if I am their friend. With that thought in mind, the first place I looked at to see if my request had been accepted was my own profile. But it doesn't work that way. So my suggestion is that if friendship is requested and accepted then names and pictures should automatically appear on both relevant profiles. If for some reason (perhaps not allowing changes to somebody's profile without their express permission) this cannot be done then perhaps the e-mail sent to the requester could be worded something like " **** has successfully added you to their friends list and added you to their profile. If you would like them to be shown on your profile you need to ask them to request friendship with you".
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