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Everything posted by TonyMcC
You might like to see the video this link takes you to. http://www.wildfilmhistory.org/film/241/clip/419/David+Attenborough%92s+legendary+encounter+with+a+family+of+mountain+gorillas.html In my life I have lived for a time among people of a few nations. Germans, Singaporeans and Maldivians. In my working life within the Royal Air force and in civilian life I have taught technical matters to Jordanians, Egyptians, Iranians (in the time of the Shah), Nigerians, Malaysians, Argentinians and Omanis . Without exception I have found that a human being is a human being and even differences of religion and culture have very, very little effect on the rapport and empathy that can rapidly develop if goodwill and a willingness to extend the hand of friendship exists on both sides. I can easily understand the unofficial cease fire said to have taken place in the trenches of WW1 for carol singing at Christmas 1914.
You should find this link useful:- http://www.radio-electronics.com/info/rf-technology-design/mixers/bjt-transistor-mixer-multiplier.php
And, of course, 30-3=27 (lost from the room) and 25+2=27. (distributed outside the room). As per #15.
It's very similar in concept to the schoolchild's trick of "proving" that you have 11 digits. Get the child ( or a drunken adult ) to start counting backwards the digits of one hand - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 . when he/she gets to 6 ask how many fingers there are on the other hand - 5. Ask them to add the 5 and the 6 - hence they have 11 digits. In this case each of the 3 customers were due 5/3 dollars back, but only received 3/3 dollars (1$). The total of what is left is only 2 dollars which went into the pocket of the bell boy. I think a sensible answer to the question is "What 1$ ?" since it never existed. I think the following little bit of maths proves this:- 30 - 5 = 25 30 - 3 - 2 = 25 30 - 3 = 25 + 2 27 = 27
Yes, of course you are correct, but I am assuming a bridge built at the equator (i.e. at a tangent to the surface at the furthest distance from the axis of rotation) would be in alignment with the earth's axis of rotation. Also, I believe in agreement with John Cuthber, I am assuming a similar bridge built at the pole where the axis of rotation "emerges" would provide maximum centrifugal force. At least as long as its length to one side exceeded the radius of the earth. . Sorry, I didn't spot this point when I posted my later entry (#11) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As long as we are discussing impossibly long structures the question of what a bridge might look like from an observer on the earth arises . If the end was a couple of million miles from the earth and built straight I assume it would look distinctly curved since light would take about 10 seconds to reach earth from the far end (Edit - just realised how little the earth rotates in 10 secs - curve would be there but very slight). What happens if the end reaches the speed of light (assuming it holds together!)?Since you stand on the end of the bridge and rotate with it it seems to me that the other end is not moving at all relevant to you. Or are things just getting too ridiculous ?
Thank you. BTW I would hardly claim the proof is mine since, as you will know, it is one of the first illustrations of the concept, irrationality, anyone starting to understand it gets shown. Everything copied and pasted in this thread is a repeat of my own work and done for complete accuracy should anyone want to verify that as a fact. I would like to end by saying clearly that I appreciate your time given and respect the depth of knowledge you have in your subject.
I'm about a quarter of the way through it - unfortunately I know how it ends, which rather takes away the suspense, but I don't know yet how effectively it has been written.
I thought that what you proved was justifying what I said in #6 above. "It is easily proved that when expressed as a fraction and in its most simplified form both parts of the fraction must be even numbers." (Copied from "Square root of 2: #8: 30th Apr 2010) If I misunderstood then I apologise and would appreciate you pointing out where we differ. I would appreciate you doing so without the use of sarcasm.
Your English seems at least as good as mine (which may or may not be saying much)! This description, copied from Amazon, gives you some idea of what you might expect. Product Description Hollywell is a mystery set in the last two decades of the Twentieth Century. Secrets are parasites whether they are are good or evil. Jean lives with dark secrets that cause her to take extraordinary actions to conceal them from the people she loves or fears. Her daughter Laura lives in a world of unsettling confusion where unremembered secrets from her past haunt her, only to find that learning the truth is far worse than her imagined fears. Dave and Jim try to help but the secrets are not theirs to reveal. Consequently their interference puts them in jeopardy. For all of them, trying to reveal a dark secret is unwise. I didn't know trying to flog books (i.e.Informal To publicize aggressively: e.g. flogging a new book) was so hard. Just as well I don't earn my living this way!! - lol
No! Helen tells me it is an easy read - the sort of book you might take on holiday. Go on, take a chance, its only $3.05 !
Surely you can't say that unless you can prove it ? Are you saying it has never been proved?
In a very real sense it doesn't. The only thing the computer does is manipulate binary numbers which are stored in registers or memory. The place on the screen where you see the letter A occupies several pixels. Each pixel requires several bits of memory (probably 1 byte). You see A but all the computer did was respond to these memory locations to switch on or off the various pixels and set their colour so you see A on the screen. A different pattern of pixels, for instance, would put a number such as 2 on the screen. The link may make this more clear: - http://www.ucblueash.../comath/44.html
I don't know - but I'd like to get another book sold for my daughter (actually it's an e-book). lol Oh - and it's very cheap, being her first book!
Buy him a book called "Hollywell" - see post "Do you like thrillers?".
Thank you, I'll let Helen know - hope it does prove a good read.
You make me feel rather a fraud. I'm not really much into poetry, but found "Jenny (not Jennie) kissed me" by Leigh Hunt a couple of years ago. This was when a social group I belong to decided to have a "poetry evening" and we would all bring a poem to read. It actually fits my life very well - but if you research the poem it revolves around a different set of circumstances altogether. The actual circumstances were a visit by Leigh Hunt to the home of a friend where the wife jumped up and kissed him in welcome. Apparently he never forgot it! In my case the first verse of "Jenny kissed me" reminds me of returning from a nine months unaccompanied posting in the forces and arriving home a few days before Christmas instead of my scheduled flight a few days after Christmas. The thief, Time, had of course robbed me of 9 months of family life! You started the Leigh Hunt thing by quoting from Abou Ben Adhem, but I don't mind at all if you don't - lol By the way, this link takes you to "The woman was old":- http://wolflady.pspbuddies.com/plus/somebody.html
I am very proud of my daughter Helen. She is in her late 40's and has been working through the Open University toward gaining academic qualifications. She has only a dissertation to complete in order to get her Master's Degree in English Literature. In her spare time she has written a novel which she describes as an easy read, rather dark, mystery thriller. I have downloaded it but not yet had time to read more than a few chapters. If you have a Kindle, or download books on your computer, and like this type of book it's title is "Hollywell" and the author is Helen Peden. It's available to download through Amazon. It costs only $3.05 to download. As her father, you would not expect me to do anything other than praise the book so the following is a review from someone we don't know, who lives in the USA:- 5.0 out of 5 stars Joanne Graham, 5 Feb 2012 By Joannah Hewitt - Published on Amazon.com This review is from: Hollywell (Kindle Edition) Such an amazing book, with a very moorish story line! Absolutely loved it.The best thing about Hollywell was it wasn't predictable at all and was a really easy read. I had all different types of ideas of what was happening and it wasnt until the end when it all began to piece together. Ill definately be looking out for more. Joanne I realise this is in essence an advert, but it's not for a business - its to encourage an individual and may encourage others to study and realise a dream.
This is copy of a post I made later in my earlier thread:- TonyMcC Quark Thank you "the tree". If you look at my earlier entries for this subject you will see that you seem to have answered my earlier supposition. However I still am not really happy with your explanation concerning irrationality. As I understand it the square root of 2 is accepted as irrational not because its decimal expansion extends to infinity but for a completely different reason. It is easily proved that when expressed as a fraction and in its most simplified form both parts of the fraction must be even numbers. That really is irrational! Is it a proven fact that all square roots of whole numbers are either whole numbers or irrational? How is the irrationality proved? DrRocket - Glad you agree about why the square root of two is considered irrational.