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Everything posted by TonyMcC

  1. Sine wave function and cosine wave function. (Which will both be damped and settle at zero)
  2. TonyMcC

    Organ Farming

    Using animals to grow organs suitable for humans seems already under development. Valves from pigs hearts are used today and an experimental ear was grown on the back of a mouse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacanti_mouse
  3. Forgetting for a moment the molten nature deep below the surface of the earth making such a tube improbable I would expect the rock to over shoot the centre and not reach the opposite surface before falling back toward the centre. It would overshoot again and again eventually coming to rest at the centre. However I would expect it to melt in the process and exist as a ball of lava.
  4. You might to look up the venturi effect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venturi_effect
  5. When did "appreciative of" become the same thing as "submissive toward"? I appreciate the beauty in many things:- A woodland glade filled with bluebells. The lines of a Ferrari car. A painting by Constable. Numbers in the binary system. The sky on a clear night. The face of my latest great-grandaughter. etc..etc..etc.. I must be a very submissive person!
  6. I am a happily married man in his 70's. I'm glad to say that I can still appreciate the beauty that can be seen in the shape and movement of an attractive woman. I am sure that this is perfectly natural and in no sense a perversion. I don't stare and certainly don't make any sort of approach or have any sexual motive. I feel it is like appreciating any work of art. It will be a sorry day that a pretty woman fails to lift my heart.
  7. To stop dc current the circuit either has to be broken or part of the circuit has to somehow be changed to a very high resistance. You could include a transistor in your circuit which could be operated (changed from low to high resistance) remotely rather like switching a tv on/off with a remote control. If you don't mind the circuit actually being physically opened you could use a relay instead of the transistor.
  8. In electronics there is (at least) one formula that uses 3 different kinds of numbers. That is the formula for resonance. It uses a rational number (2), an irrational number (pi) and a number which may or may not be rational (square root). Since the universe may be oscillating, things our size may be oscillating and the electron may be considered a sort of oscillating wave function this formula may have some special significance.
  9. Quite surprising when the length of a day has just about doubled since life first began on earth. http://www.scribd.com/doc/9498374/Length-of-DayEarth-rotation http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_did_life_on_earth_start
  10. I don't know whether you would call this a triplet but it is very common for "natural" formulae encountered in physics and all branches of engineering to be a mixture of whole numbers, squares and/or square roots (never cubes or cube roots). The only exception that I can think of are those concerning 3 phase electricity which I consider "man made" rather than "natural". You will now probably get a list of formulae that don't follow this observation! lol. Come to think of it, I don't know of any formula that uses all three parameters at once so perhaps any such formula can only be considered a further example of a doublet.
  11. Thank you all very much. I get the definite feeling I should try Firefox or Chrome with Firefox seeming to be just in the lead. That is what I shall try very soon - thanks again.
  12. I use Windows Internet Explorer which seems to do all that I need although it sometimes freezes. The general advice seems to be that there other much better web browsers. If you would advise a change which browser would you recommend and why?
  13. If the voltages you are getting are sinusoidal and mains frequency they would be pick up from nearby wiring. You would need a cathode ray oscilloscope to see the waveform shape and determine its frequency.
  14. If you set theoretical conditions that basically "tell" the robot not to slow down then it must arrive at the wall in an hour. The fact that this takes an infinite number of steps is a theoretical condition set by you that is unrealistic in real life.(imo)
  15. I am a bit puzzled by your question. Let's consider the high pass filter consisting of a capacitor in series with your load. There must be some voltage drop across the capacitor. This means that the gain cannot be 1. This suggests your simulation has a capacitor with zero reactance - i.e no capacitor at all ( a straight piece of wire connecting the signal to the load). Hence no phase shift or loss of signal. If you make a low pass filter using an inductor instead of a capacitor the same argument applies. The voltage drop across the inductor will ensure a gain of less than 1. Your simulation is for an inductor with zero reactance - i.e. no inductance at all (i.e a straight piece of wire). Hence no phase shift. In the case of the high pass filter you could theoretically use a capacitor with infinite capacitance!( Xc=1/(2*pi*f*C) ohms. I hope I understand your problem and that this helps.
  16. A debatable point. On the basis of a rounding error it might decide it has to move something like 0.000000000001 units of measurement which the computer might take as zero. In which case it might stop an almost indescribable amount short of the wall unable to calculate the last step. Alternatively the computer might crash trying to do a "divide by zero" just before reaching the wall. On the other hand the slightest tremor might make you right!
  17. Toward the end of its journey the steps will be so short that there will not be time to precalculate the next step. It depends on what the robot is progammed to do in this situation. If it is told to stop,make its calculation and move to the next point and keep repeating the process then it should never get to the wall. If it's told to carry on moving at the initial speed while attempting to calculate the next step and keep repeating this process then it will travel at its initial speed until it reaches the wall. It just depends on the programmer! (IMO) Just had a good look at ewmon's post - I see I have pretty much said the same thing!
  18. I think you may be suggesting drop the zero before 10.00 AM and 10 PM in the 12 hour system. I think this is usually done. e.g. I'll meet you at 3.45 PM. The 24 hour system in the british military does (or did in my time) include the zero before single digit hours. When verbally comunicated "00 minutes" becomes "hundred". It also ends with "hours". e.g. You will be on duty from "Oh six hundred hours until Oh eight hundred hours". I assume this came about to emphasize the 24 hour clock was being used and has become something of a tradition. Like a lot of tradition it is probably here to stay - for better or for worse!
  19. This sounds like homework? It looks like you are to treat the plank as a spring - look up Hookes's Law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_(device). Then click on "did you mean spring (device)". If its a beam bending problem that is more difficult - but I think a plank is more like a spring than a beam.
  20. If you are looking at simple filters using either a capacitor in series with the load to allow high frequency signals to pass or in parallel with the load to shunt high frequencies you will always get phase shift. The amount of phase shift will change with frquency but will never be as great as 90 degrees. If you consider a capacitor in isolation, i.e theoretically in a circuit with no resistance then any sine wave voltage will produce a sine wave of current with the current waveform leading the voltage waveform by 90 degrees. It is similar to a pure inductor except the current waveform lags the voltage by 90 degrees. A memory aid is the word CIVIL which helps you to remember "For a capacitor current leads voltage, voltage leads current in an inductor". Using a cro to see current waveforms can be done by inserting a small resistor of known value (say 0.1 ohm) and looking at the voltage waveform across the resistor. Calculate current using Ohm's law. If the resistor is small compared to the reactance of the inductor it will have little effect on the circuit action.
  21. What you seem to be asking is whether a north pole of an electromagnet would attract the wrought iron ball a different amount from an equal strength south pole. I feel sure it would not. The simple answer to your question is (imo) that there would be no difference. In a practical experiment with a very sensitive balance you might sense a very small difference if the ball retained a small amount of residual magnetism.
  22. revy ttiireenngs.
  23. First of all the joke. Giving up smoking is easy, I've done it dozens of times. Happily the last time was 51 years ago so it can be done. It helps if you have a purpose that requires you to save hard. In my case I was saving money to get married. Think of something expensive that you want more than cigarettes. After getting married keeping off cigarettes was easy - I just couldn't afford them!( and thats not a joke lol)
  24. I guess I have a different idea of what an opinion is. To me an opinion is subjective and, as opposed to proof, can be based on incomplete information or knowledge. If I approach someone who holds a different opinion and neither of us has complete proof then, after discussion, I feel that I am free to alter my opinion. I don't see that I didn't have an opinion before the discussion. In fact I don't see how the discussion could even have started if I hadn't had an opinion.
  25. Yes, but if they were rated at 10V so that they could both be charged to 10V when connected in parallel you would have 4 times the energy content. I think this is reasonably clear.
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