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Everything posted by TonyMcC

  1. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? ... Oh sorry that was a .44 Magnum handgun lol.
  2. You have got it. But strictly speaking if you are going to walk through the door indicated by the guard your question should be "Which door would the other guard say leads to sudden death?".
  3. No, the OP didn't, but a few people trying to help did. As for the long cable, I assume you are using it as a delay line. Your two sine waves being the wave at the start of the cable and the wave after delay in going through the cable? Although you can make pretty patterns by combining more than two sine wave, as I understand it Lissajous figures are generally understood to be a combination of only two. These figures to be displayed on a cathode ray oscilloscope which only has two inputs, X and Y deflection. That is the only way I have used them for practical purposes.
  4. I think mention of Lissajous figures is something of a red herring. They represent the action of TWO sine waves and never just ONE, in my experience and use of them. For example two sine waves of equal amplitude and 90 degrees of phase shift will produce a circle. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Trigonometry/For_Enthusiasts/Lissajous_Figures
  5. I think you mean an adaptation of the circuit shown. The potentiometer would be replaced by two resistors, one fixed and the other a rheostat. I agree that there is no point in includind a transformer in a purely dc circuit.
  6. What's this "we" - you don't exist lol. Perhaps the imperfections in the program running the simulator are responsible for the strangeness we see in the universe. Things like irrational numbers and the way quantum physics doesn't exactly agree with everyday physics.
  7. Let us consider for a moment the possibility that our life is a test to see if we are suitable for some reward. Let us also accept that the person or being setting the test has the qualities that are being sought in us e.g. kindness, fairness, love of others etc. Let us assume that the person or being setting the test is all powerful and can do anything. Can we be tested for our attitude to things like suffering, unfairness in life such as the death of infants etc. without such experiences actually happening ? Well, one solution to this problem is that I am in a simulator and everything I have "experienced" is not at all real. Perhaps the rest of you do not exist and any response to this post will have been generated using artificial intelligence in a program within a computer that is more powerful than I am presently allowed to consider possible. Just a thought!
  8. Enter into life wholeheartedly because the life you are living now is not a rehearsal.
  9. Which sort of scrubber?
  10. I was in the Forces and the wisest saying I heard was "Never volunteer". Not original - but very wise!
  11. I think this may well be an effect of supercooling. This is where a liquid can be taken to a much lower temperature than its freezing point and still be liquid. Perhaps a jet of supercooled water breaks out of the surrounding ice and immediately freezes on contact with something in the air. I once hit a rain storm involving supercooled rain which froze so quickly on my car windscreen that the wipers just bounced over the rough sheet of ice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercooling
  12. Another example:-
  13. Firstly, you measure emf in volts. I'm wondering if a tens machine would do the job. Its really to limit pain by blocking nerves with various patterns of voltage setting up currents in the nerves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcutaneous_electrical_nerve_stimulation
  14. Please just accept that I have a strange sense of humour Lol.
  15. ??? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=scrubber
  16. It seems it was thought necessary to check and record whether the male participants were left or right handed. One has to wonder what actions were observed to determine this preference.
  17. Did you not know that the queen is,in fact,a 12 foot lizard? http://www.newstatesman.com/200206030014
  18. TonyMcC


    God helps those who help themselves is a well known saying which I feel implies that to a large extent you make your own luck.
  19. I also presume it's a diesel engine, probably running on model aero-engine fuel, mostly ethanol and oil.
  20. It's just another step along the way of targeted advertising. I believe, for instance, that Google stores your entries and targets you with adverts on that basis. They will have a problem with me as if I'm unsure of a spelling a particular word I google it to check the spelling! By the way, I'm well past twenty something and not really worried about this, lol. Just a thought - one day soon I might be out walking and a message on my phone might inform me that there is an undertaker around the corner where I could arrange a pre-paid funeral!
  21. The two resonant circuits have opposite effects at resonance. For that reason they would be used for different purposes. I wonder, but don't know, if the question is concerning itself with resistance (particularly of the inductor) and its effect in practical circuits. Perhaps the first part(s) of your question points you toward a particular application?
  22. 3D stillframe photos played a crucial part in WWII. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/8535950/Operation-Crossbow-the-3D-photos-that-foiled-Hitlers-rockets.html
  23. You could "suck it and see". By which I mean let a=1, then 2, then 3 etc. and see what the numbers can be divided by.
  24. This may be contentious but I think one important factor not yet considered, and which may not be realised by people who do not teach, is the personality of the "good teacher". Many people either choose to teach or are persuaded to teach because they have an exceptional understanding of their subject. One point made during my own teacher training was that such people tended to be introverted whereas teaching really requires an extrovert personality, one not afraid of putting on a show to grab attention. Teaching as a career has quite a lot of similarity to stage acting as a career. Many people who start a teaching career actually find doing it surprisingly stressful.
  25. I am old enough to have to have experienced just about all of my education prior to the introduction of electronic calculators. My earliest device for making calculations easy was a slide rule (I still have mine). You couldn't use a slide rule without making an approximate calculation first because the slide rule could not give you the position of the decimal point. We were thus forced to understand and use basic mathematics if we wanted to use the slide rule. Sometimes it seems a step forward is not as beneficial as we think. However, although I prefer and use an electronic calculator, I still pause long enough to consider whether the result is sensible. That is something that people brought up on calculators don't seem to do.
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