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Image electron is as big as moon, we smash it into 10^100 little pieces. Then we put them in a 10^8 moon sized perfact container (out space, vacuum, nothing can come in or out, the wall will not absorb the little pieces or electron). Now image we put an electron into the container, shall we see an empty ball around the electron? (Out side the ball are the little charged pieces) If we knock the electron, shall we see a wave travel in the container? What's the speed? If we move the electron, shall we see turbulence or vortex? Just found this. Electron filmed first time. http://www.livescience.com/php/video/player.php?video_id=080222-ElectronRide
Time, time, time. Wonderful time. Maybe time is a field in space. Its strength is defined by the speed of motion. Maybe space is filled up with something we don't know yet. That something is electrical charged and very very tiny, like e/10^100, maybe it has no mass too. Maybe light travel in space is just like sound travel in air. That tiny thing is light's conductor/medium. Since it has electrical charge, so sound/light speed in it is equal to C. When we travel in space, we against that tiny tiny thing and produce a resistance/force, that force act at every atom in us and our ship (not like air Resistance only act at the surface of a jet). When we speed up, that resistance/force will increase (therefor canceled part of the force in our system in our moving direction. And time relatively slows down). When we keep speeding up till the Resistance force reach infinity strong, we will be pressurized into 0 length. Therefor, motion less and time stops. Wow, maybe when we travel faster then light, we will back in time and be young again. Then we slow down our ship and grow older. Then we speed up again. Repeat that, we can live forever. If Einstein was right, then we have no such hope. Let's all hope he was wrong.
swansnot, thanx!
Hi Everyone, Please give some feedbacks on an idea of mine, I am a drop out from physics. ?tron phypothesis. I thought, maybe there is a charged tiny thing exist and fill up the space (like ether). it is too small so we can not detect it's mass/charge yet or it has no mass but only charge. Suppose it really exist and carry negative charge and its strength is like e/10^100 (let's call it ?tron). Then, we can image ?trons attracted by nuclea and form a dense ball around it. And ?tron repelled by electron and form a loose ball around it. Because the nuclea and electron attracts each other, the two balls (one densed and one loosed ?tron ball) will attract each other and form atom. the rest space is still fill up with ?tron and its density is in between the two kind of balls. In a light atom model, like H, we see two ?tron balls, about same size, one is the nuclea with densed ?trons around it, the other one is loosed ?tron ball around electron. (kind of like an Earth sized beach ball float on Earth sized ocean. The ocean is the nuclea ball and the beach ball is the electron ball) The H atom act as an dipole, has to marry another H to stable and form H2. For a heavier atom model, like carbon, we see a denser nuclea ball with 6 electron balls around it. In a very heaver atom, we see very densed nuclea ball with more layers of electron balls. All the balls in all matters, act each other by electro force. A magnet's structure is like many layers of atoms partially polarized, one direction is nuclear concentrated and the other electron concentrated. The electron concentrated plate (south pole) pushes ?trons away and form a loose ?tron layer, right next to that layer, the space (?trons) electrified/magnetized and form a dense layer and so on so on. The dense/loose ?tron layers attract each other to form magnetic field. The strength is defined by the density of the ?tron field (1/R^3). The nuclea concentrated plate (north pole) attracts ?tron and form a densed layer, it pushes near by ?trons to form a loose layer, the two layer attracts and keep forming magnetic field. Somehow, between matter and matter, even the electrical charges are equal, it's net force is a weak attraction. its strength is defined by total charges (proportion to mass) / R^2. This is my best guase/explaination for gravity. Thanks ahead!
Add more about ?tron phypothesis. In a light atom model, like H, we see two ?tron balls, about same size, one is the nuclea with densed ?trons around it, the other one is loosed ?tron ball around electron. The H act as an dipole, has to marry another H to stable and form H2. For a heavier atom model, like carbon, we see a denser nuclea ball with 6 small electron balls around it. In a very heaver atom, we see very densed nuclea ball with more layers of electron balls. All the balls in all matters, act each other by electro force. But somehow, between matter and matter, even the electrical charges are equal, it's net force is a weak attraction. This is my best guase/explaination for gravity. Very very hanger for feedback! Thanks ahead.
Thank you for the long post. I agree with you at all. But I have a true story to tell. 1971, I asked my physics professor what is time, he couldn't answer. He told the class a story. That some years ago when he was work for the Japanese scientist who won the Nobel prize in physics for discovered a new partical. I forgot the name of the partical and the winner. My profassor was helping him to take millions pictures in the cloud chamber and count the evidence of the new partical to mach the math prediction. They altered the data by 10^3 times to put in the paper and won the prize. I believed my professor, do you? I doubt my ?tron idea a lot, but it seems to me easier to explain many wonders. Why is light a self propagation wave? Why is current creats magnetic? Why is proton and electron stay away? In my imagination, a magnet's structure is like many layers of atoms polarized, one direction is nuclear concentrated and the other electron concentrated. The electron plate (south pole) pushes ?trons away and form a loose ?tron layer, right next to that layer, the space (?trons) been magnetized and form a dense layer. And so on. The two layers attracts each other to form magnetic field. The strength is equal to the density of the ?tron. The nuclear plate (north pole) attracts ?tron and form a dense layer, it pushes near by ?trons to form a loose layer, the two layer attracts and keep forming magnetic field. With out good math, and enough IQ, I am lost for so long. Wish I can get serious help here.
I know what's in the book. But can't understand the principle to expalin the shells etc. Why is no such thing in visiable world, like star system or any man made stuff. Why down to small size, all machanism changed? Maybe they can not explain why electrons will not touch down nuclear even the attracting force is very strong. They invented QM and use math to support it. In my suggestion, if the ?tron exist, we seem able to explain this and other things like how electromagnetic wave travels even better. I don't have the math skill, can anyone give it a try? That be so great appreciated!
Thanks for the kind fine English! I can't image how electron form a cloud obit the nulear and have different energy states etc, my God, why so freaken complicate? Simple is beauty, nuclear/?tron ball suck electron/?tron ball and form atom is more likely to me and seems expalins heat/energy transfer easier.
Appreciate very much every feedback. Went to wiki read a little, toooo much to learn! One more idea bothers me a long time, please help me out also. I thought, maybe there is a charged tiny thing exist and fill up the space (like ether). it is too small so we can not detect it's mass/charge or it has no mass but charge. Suppose it really exist and carry negative charge and its strength is like e/10^100 (let's call it ?tron). Then, we can image this ?tron attracted by nuclear and form a dense ball around it, and repelled by electron and form a loose ball around. Because the nuclear and electron attracts each other, the two balls (one densed and one loosed ?tron ball) will attract each other and form atom. the rest space is still fill up with ?tron and its density is in between the two kind of balls. In this hypothesis, seems we can explain how light wave travel in space, why atoms are stable, energy transfer etc without using quantum mechanics. Also, seems we can explain magnetism or the inverse cube relation. Because the force between ?trons a is inverse square, its density will be inverse cube to distance. I really can not accept the atomic structure model by the books, pls help me!
Thanks for all the help! But I like to explain my idea better. My English is poor, sorry for the inconvience. I am saying a magnet, on the two poles, in atomic scale, the very surface structure, that one single layer of the atoms, some of them are kind of polarized. The whole magnet is many layers of the surface structure together. When we put wire and current around a steel bar, the magnetism somehow magnetized the steel bar, make it a magnet. Seems to me, that's the only reason why magnetic force is reverse to distance^2, just like the force between electric charges. I also wonder if gravity has something to do with electrical force? I droped out from college, don't believe some physics theory. Mostly I will be wrong. But any possible the idea is right? Can you test it by using some tools?
There is no electrical imbalance between the north and south pole of a permanent magnet. That is what I mean in my hypothesis. Even one pole surface has more electrons than the other, there is no electrical imbalance. Those electrons are boned and not movable. Let's say if you have a way to move 1,000,000 electrons from your right hand to your left hand, and let them stay still (boned). Then your hands will attract each other, but if you hold a copper wire by two hands, there would be no current. Reasonable?
Hi Everyone, I have an idea about what is magnetic force. Please comment/feedback. Thanks! Two poles of any magnet, one surface plate is electron concentrated and the other surface plate is electron less. So one pole is positive charged and the other negative charged. Because all those electrons are bonded by protons in the magnet, we see attracting and repelling forces between two poles but we can not see current. Stronger magnet has higher unmovable electric charges on two poles.
The ratio of electromagnetic to gravitational energy is 10^40. This means if we knew how... a few watts of electromagnetic power could be used to gravitationally "place" the Moon where we want.
too sexy for scientist.
You are crazy! This is true story. When I was a little boy, my mother once pointed to the moon and told me a story, that there is a beautiful woman live in the moon. It is a story that is real for many many Chinese people for long time. There are a lot of problems to conquer if we really want to pull the moon. But what a challenge to miss without even try? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator Good read. Suggest, build electron gun on the moon, use solar energy to shoot electrons to Earth. When Earth negative charged to a point, it may help the weather or cure cancer.
I have hard time to even calculate the orbit. Will you please give this idea an expert's critically evaluation? Appreciate a million!
Hey my name is Joe Chang. Nice to meet you guys here. I like science, but didn't finish my physics class in college due to a good reason, my math sucks. I like to get drunk, smoke some weed, and let my mind go. I appreciate life and want to do something good for the world. I think I am a passenger of time and space, knowledge and imagination, experience and adventure. Anyway, this is the first time I post myself in a forum, cheers!
I like the idea. You can learn anything that smart people know, that don't make you a good scientist. Discover something new, think out the box.
Theoretically, if we beam enough electrons to the moon, we can make the moon accelerating to Earth. The attraction force between the positive charged Earth and the negative charged moon causes the acceleration. As the moon pulled closer, it will circle the Earth faster in smaller orbit. At some point maybe we can make the moon a geostationary satellite, then we can build a moon bridge to the moon. Could someone please calculate this idea, appreciate!
i tink time is a field. it has something to do with space and energy, you and i.
that's a lot of body attact!
Yes, thank you! Do you know why they closed the shout the moon thread?
Dear Sir, I wonder if this method is viable. If a space ship beams enough electrons to a near by body, the positive charged space ship will be accelerating to the negative changed body. Or maybe we can etectrify the space around a space ship to propulsion in some way. Thank you for help! Sincerely, Joe
There was a shoe company send a salesman to Africa. He looked around and tele back "no market, people down here don't wear no shoes". The shoe company called him back and send another salesman. He looks around and tele back "ship me all the sandles you can find, people down here have no shoes to wear". I think when the moon coming closer to the Earth, lots of things will change, we should give more thoughts before give up hope. Another thought, can we arrange a new orbit that keeps the moon few 10s/100s miles away?
I am a college droped out, my head is just as big as it is. Please don't tell me in this forum no one can give this idea a serious discussing.