When we pull the moon come closer and closer to the Earth, the moon will circle the Earth faster and faster. The attraction force between the two bodies will be equal to the centrifuge force.
Therefor, we may arrange a safe touch-down. A month will be close to a day.
Well, when I got this idea, was drunk on highlife beer.
If we make it a controled touch-down, we will have two balls bite into each other, water mostly around the ring, some sea beds will become dry land.
Fe = Ce X Q1 X Q2 / R X R
If we beam electrons to the moon, it's only a matter of time until the moon accelarating to Earth. The attraction force between the positive Earth and the negative moon causes the accelaration.
Theoretically, if we send enough electrons to the moon, we can pull the moon closer to Earth. Then, if we can find a way to DE-accelerate the moon and make it a safe touch-down, we will have a new world. And this is, maybe the realistic solution for our over populated, energy hunger near future. http://shoutthemoon.com
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