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Everything posted by neurogenesis

  1. drugs society and human behavior, E=mc2 a multibiography of all of sciences greatest people in cluding mathematicians and greek philosophers. preety phat
  2. i had meant to reply to this quote
  3. very good point! it feels good sometimes to help others and forget about yourself for a min.
  4. buddy i think that a patient with suicidal ideation and a plethera of symptoms that are a bit more than annoying is more than a warning sign to get off your ass, the inability to stop crying, anhedonia ( the inability to experience pleasure in regular gratifying activities, obssesive thoughts. you are a skeptic i see. some people belive that there is no thing as mental disorders at all, they think that it is labeling that causes the person to expirience this afflictions and i think that it is a load of bull, if you think that depression is something that rich people complain about then i hope you never get drawn in the murky depths of a severe major depression. oh and "tranx" as you say isnt even used to treat depression, trycilics, maoi, and primarily ssri's are used to treat it, minor tranquilizers like xanax and valium are for anixety and major tranquilizers are for more serious conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar. but i let you believe what you want like the dude from the matrix said "ignorance is bliss"
  5. first of all melatonin functions for the night it is what makes you fall asleep, seeing as though the production of melatonin begins at night, and seretonin and epenepherine (adrenaline) have a bigger part in depression than melatonin. melatonin sedates you so why would would a neurotransmitter that sedates you, wake you up and seretonin is in use all day. it is known that simple activities like chewing gum boosts seretonin. secondly depression has also been linked to neurodeath( the death of brain cells) and a smaller than average hippocampus, that may be why excercise has been known to lift mild to moderate depressions, by producing neural growth. it is also thought that selective seretonin reuptake inhibitors(ssri's) produce neural growth also. also there may be a gene or genes for depression but no one gene or nuerotransmitter alone causes depression it is a collection of events, like predisposition, environmental stressors, here we are talking about both nature and nurture, no one thing causes depression.
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