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  • Location
    England :)
  • Interests
    Science, Tech, Music,
  • College Major/Degree
    Computer Science
  • Favorite Area of Science
    CS, EE, Physics,
  • Biography
    I'm a man from the internet
  • Occupation
    To live


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  1. These are all good points. I'm going to ring some universities tomorrow . I've found some universities that seem to produce quality research. I'm so inspired by science and engineering. I suppose it could be worse. I may not get into university at all! That's a good point though. All the knowledge is available to everyone. I hope in the future that distance learning becomes even more accessible.
  2. Right yeah, I'm trying to get as many people's opinions as possible. No, like I said I'm not at university yet I'm just about to go. Middle league university is term I've been hearing for quite a while more recently on the guardian's science podcast. I too did a google search and came up with the same results. What I'm referring to is the universities below the top ones, that's all. No this isn't urgent I just find it depressing. Sorry if I offended you I didn't intend too
  3. In popular science and works of fiction the only meaningful research and engineering comes from the top universities. This is very depressing for me as I'm only going to go to a middle league university (University of the West of England or De Monfront). Can anyone provide examples of people who have gone to a middle league university and who have contributed to human knowledge somehow? I'm not looking or an Albert Einstein, although it would be great, just someone who has come from an average background went to an average university and who's research was published or contributed to engineering some how. Examples of personal experience would be great too. Perhaps someone here who has a Masters or phd and went to a middle league university. Thanks
  4. I need to study the measurement of population size of density. However, I can't find information on this that is understandable. Has anyone got any ideas?
  5. Really are you sure?
  6. Hello there, I'm an avid reader of the forums. I'm confused by the management...is this forum now run by some sort of Scientology company? thanks
  7. No no it's fine I was in the same position as you not too long ago. I just urge you to learn mathematics now and not tomorrow. Take your time because interest and motivation are going to get you where you need to be. PS: Khan Academy will help you. Start with the basics and progress. Above all have confidence in your ability to learn new concepts. You could learn anything just don't expect to understand it straight away
  8. I wouldn't learn anything too specific because different universities present computer science in different ways. My advice would be to read some or all of the following books. Computer Science Degree Preparation Resources Schaum's Outline of Principles of Computer Science http://www.amazon.co.uk/Schaums-Outline-Principles-Computer-Science/dp/0071460519/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1303131443&sr=1-1 How to design programs (free e-book) http://www.htdp.org/ http://computerscienceppt.blogspot.com/ Another site that may help you on your course Mathematics Resources Khana Academy http://www.khanacademy.org/ they provide free videos and exercises on mathematics among other subjects Also, check out the iTunes university to download videos of lectures from university computer science dept.
  9. And how is it categorized. I used to think that science comes under either physics, biology or chemistry. However, you get these 'sub sciences' such as geology that combines physics and chemistry together? Then it goes further than that . Would you consider electrical engineering as physics or a separate science? I like things to be tidy it seems science is messy.
  10. I think it's caffeine but it may not be. When ever i drink either of these beverages they cause me to be hungry. Do these drinks actually cause this or could it be something else? Thanks
  11. Hello I'm studying for a course in Environmental Studies and I wondered if anyone could provide any help. So I've been given the handbook of what is supposed to be known as well as the textbook. However, the text book does not provide sufficient information regrading the following. Quoted from the guide 1. The wave nature of electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic spectrum 1A. Wavelength characteristics, and the environmental importance of ultraviolet light, visable light and infra red light 2. The characteristics of insolation and factors which cause it to to change... at the outer limits of the atmosphere as it passes through the atmosphere when it reaches the Earth's surface. I've tried google of course but I either come up with websites that explain the latter in great complexity or information that is too simplistic. I suppose no advanced physics is needed as it is environmental studies after all. Plus, what does it mean when the guide refers to 'insolation? Yeah, the textbook sucks lol thanks
  12. So, is it possible to farm electric eels and transfer their electrical energy to households? Alternatively, are there any other ways to harness the power from animals?
  13. People don't consider it the 'real world'. Why is this the case? I'm sure becoming a professor or carrying out research is challenging. In fact, I think it's essential for us to progress as a species. Nevertheless, there seems to be a segment of society that mocks it. So why the hate?
  14. Has anyone got any simple examples of biomimetics? For example, the shape of bird wings influencing the shape of aeroplane wings thanks in advance
  15. So this is a topic I am studying. Under the economic benefits section, there's a line that states "wild varieties for breeding programmes" I then need to do further research around this statement. However, I don't understand it. What is this trying to say?
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