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Everything posted by doG

  1. The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine Tractatus Theologico-Politicus by Baruch Spinoza Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers Dictionnaire philosophique by Voltaire and Biblical Contradictions by Jim Meritt
  2. Nowhere does the OP say the piston is at the dead center position, it says, "The crank makes an angle of 60 degree with the inner dead centre position...". This is simply the instantaneous position the problem is to be evaluated at because the piston velocity is variable from 0, when the crank is in line with the center of the bore, to a maximum, when the crank is at 90° to that line. The sketch itself looks like a scanned image from the textbook the problem is from, not a drawing by the OP, so I would not assume any other arrangements to be representative of what is being asked.
  3. Your case has more holes in it than a Menger sponge...
  4. Do remember. The bible is just a story book written by men, not god(s). There's not one word in the whole work written by anyone named Jesus or his alleged father in the sky. The whole book is he said, "he said", nothing but hearsay. It would not be allowed as evidence in a court of law. The bible IS NOT evidence of anything. If you want to supply evidence please supply something that is measurable, testable and verifiable! Science requires nothing less.
  5. "Belief" aside, I see no reason to have 'faith' that there was a big bang or that there are any deities. I do find it reasonable for people to believe that the Big Bang is a reasonable theory based on the observable evidence and the predictions it supports. I do not personally feel the god theory is a reasonable theory and faith that it is absolutely true is flawed. Draw no conclusions before their time...
  6. What distro of Linux are you comparing with what version of Windoze? My netbook gets significantly more battery life when I'm booted in Xubuntu vs Windows 7 and I find the same results as insane_alien above, my fan runs less.
  7. Can you cite that evidence that is supposed to support this claim? Hearsay excluded...
  8. I vote in favor of free will!
  9. WOW!!! This is the same god that allegedly loves us? The one that people worship? It is sad to think that anyone could worship such a malevolent deity that would bring famine, drought, food shortage and other natural calamities to its children.
  10. Just be honest now, what you're really trying to say is that you want society to conform to your ideals instead of those driven by the consensus of society. That your perception of fairness is more applicable than anyone else's. That seems quite unfair to the consensus to me. Thankfully you don't!
  11. It wasn't posted as an attack, it's a fact. It directly interferes with the basic instinct to survive in the afflicted. Some die from handling poisonous snakes because they believe their faith will protect them, it doesn't. Some die from drinking poison because they believe their faith will protect them, it doesn't. There are those in the path of danger with the warning to evacuate or evade the approaching danger but they stand their ground and pray believing their faith will protect them, it doesn't. Some walk on fire in a manner that gets them injured because they believe faith will protect them, it doesn't. For all of these people faith interferes with their ability to reason rationally and directly overrides the basic instinct to survive. For these people it is certainly a mental disorder.
  12. Faith is a mental disease!
  13. Whoa there, backup. That's a positive assertion. Please provide supporting evidence.
  14. That right there must be the part you simply cannot understand. To postulate something is to assume that it is true. There is no point in postulating the existence of any god in any dimension because there is ZERO evidence to support that assumption, none, zero, zip, nada.... In the search for real truth it is a cop out to assume anything. Sorry, no winner this time, please try again!
  15. But that can't be right, the gospels say it lasted from the 6th hour til the 9th hour, consistently in Matthew, Mark and Luke.....unless of course that you are pointing out that the biblical information is unreliable
  16. Still waiting........
  17. Read about it where?
  18. Constant rate, as opposed to variable rate, springs already exist. See spring in wikipedia and the linked references for constant and variable rate springs.
  19. and not just a cylinder but a cylinder with spherical or parabolic end caps. See pressure vessel design... editted out doubled post
  20. You and I may know that but many passers-through here don't and I would rather they understand that story books are not evidence!
  21. According to what definition of god? The deist one? Then it's duties are done, it created the universe. The pantheist god has no duties. The Greek god Thor only has a duty to produce thunder and lightning. The FSM god simply has the duty to defeat creationist efforts to teach their tale as science in the classroom. There are many many more. You should start with defining which god you're actually referring to and then you could move on to proving the existence of that god. After that we can talk about duties. Ummmm..........NO! Holy books are not 'scientific' evidence of anything. In fact they are nothing but hearsay. There's not one word in any of them that was actually written by any god, only men, men that simply said that he said he said.
  22. No. An axiom is a proposition regarded as self-evidently true without proof, also called a postulate. Consider for example Euclid's first postulate, a straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points.
  23. Certainly. If you want to participate in any internet forum you need to comply with the rules of the forum. You don't get to make the rules (except for your own forum) and you have no right to expect any of them to accommodate your opinions.
  24. "That's not worth a plug nickel." "Don't take any wooden nickels."
  25. It could be a meteorite....
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