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Everything posted by doG

  1. doG

    Melting Wood?

    I've got a recipe for solder to be used for soldering steel. It says to melt together a mix of brass and zinc strips. Since this results in an irreversible composite alloy is the recipe wrong in using the term 'melt together'?
  2. Are you aware of the fact that circles don't have corners?
  3. You present this as if it's an unquestionable fact and it's not. Further, advocating that others must believe as you do is proselytizing.
  4. That which is undoubtedly true, not false...
  5. Wantzel proved this impossibility in 1836. See http://www.jimloy.com/geometry/trisect.htm
  6. Conclusion? Is any conclusion really that without factual support?
  7. Scientifically of course...
  8. Are you suggesting that it's a 'him' and that there's only one of them? Can you support that?
  9. Can you provide us with any examples of these things you allege are miracles? By "good evidence" do you mean evidence that is supported by the scientific method?
  10. From Eric Weisstein's World of Physics Melting The phase transition of a solid to a liquid. The opposite is freezing. This definition implies reversibility Hal. Would you contend it is in error?
  11. And I'm not trying to suggest by any means that the bubbles accounts for all of it. I am pointing out that current unemployment numbers don't show the whole picture, they show 9-10% unemployment where we really have 40% of our workforce out of place. that's a big difference in reported unemployment versus real unemployment. All of those that have exhausted their benefits and given up aren't shown in those numbers anymore. I am also trying to show that the 20-30% of the 6.6 million people represents about 1.5 million people that will not go back to work at what they were doing for what they were making. I hope some of them have the skills to leverage other opportunities. I know science saved my butt. I'm not making what I was but I have a good stable job now so I'm not another dependent on the system.
  12. Can you give us any example of any material where reversibility does not maintain the same composition you started with before you melted it?
  13. The danger of using unemployment statistics to illustrate unemployment... Jobs: Worse than you think The U.S. labor force is shrinking, as more Americans are giving up hope. Last month, only 58.1% of Americans age 16 and over were employed, a significant drop from before the recession and the lowest since 1983.... I, like hundreds of others in the area, was a heavy equipment mechanic. The local Caterpillar dealer laid off over 165 of 200 mechanics 2 years ago. They've hired none back. The local John Deere dealer also laid off about 75% of its force as did the Komatsu dealer and many more. None are hiring. If a position does open there's hundreds of us vying for the one position. Most of the private companies that were these companies customers are gone now. I gave up what I had been doing for 30 years.. The story is the same for all the excessive roofers, drywall hangers, plumbers, electricians, painters, etc. etc. There will never again be enough positions to put us back to work in the careers we had for the last 20-30 years. There is no openings doing what we've always done. I took a lab job at a local paper mill. One of their biggest customers used to be the carpet mills buying paper cores to roll carpet on. Most of those mills are closed now and the little towns that depended on them have all but dried up. Hundreds of more out of work and never going back to what they've always done. It's the same with cabinet makers here, most are gone. The housing bubble inflated for 30+ years. I was part of it for 30 years and never again will there be enough positions in my trade to put us all back to work. My trade is likely decimated for the remainder of my working life. The same is true for a great number of people my age that have never done anything else that were directly or indirectly employed by the bubble.. A large percentage of that 40% of the country that's not working is those of us that lost our jobs when the bubble burst, our careers. Its not just us either but all the people laid off from small businesses that depended on our money in the economy. To make matters worse many of them need entry level jobs so they can learn to do something else now and there's just not that many entry level jobs out there. I run into them regularly here. Past customers and coworkers that exhausted their unemployment long ago and have yet to find those positions to give them a start at something new.
  14. I tend to disagree with that. I notice that you've effectively reduced housing bubble jobs to only the construction workers. What about all of the jobs producing construction materials, appliances, furniture and all of that with new infrastructure related to housing like schools, shopping centers, roads and everything else that was related to housing developments. Then there was all of the related banking industry people from appraisers to loan officers. The housing bubble was a many tentacled beast that touched far more people than just construction workers.
  15. If the liquid has the same composite makeup as the solid then it would be a true phase change and it could be considered melting. For example, solid H2O is still H2O when it becomes a liquid. OTOH, if the resulting liquid has a new composite makeup then it would be a reaction, not melting.
  16. IMO it really comes down to consumption vs production. As long as we consume more and produce less the deficit will grow. It's time for this country to cut back to the consumption it can afford while we try to get everyone back to production. I tend to believe many of the jobs in those era were the buildup of jobs in the housing bubble. Clinton enjoyed the most benefit of that growth but by the time Bush II took over that bubble was ready to pop. We're in the shape we're in now because of all the 10, 20 and 30 year careers in a sector that ultimately caved in.
  17. The jobs are where there is demand for them. As employers need help then there are jobs. Without demand you certainly don't expect employers to simply create jobs where they have nothing for those people to do. OTOH, businesses try to maintain the profit margins and when taxes drive up their cost then their only choice is to cut cost elsewhere to maintain that margin. If hey can cut it in materials then they cut it in labor. Right now employers, people just like you and I, are hurting in this economy just like everyone else. The Government is feeling the loss of revenue on all sides but taking more from employers to shore up irresponsible spending does not sound like a good financial strategy. It's time for someone to take a hard look at our needs versus our wants because right now we just can't afford those wants.
  18. Well, first I'll challenge you to prove that. This is the part you don't seem to get. No one is raiding the treasury. The treasury is broke. The country is surviving on deficit spending. You could take all the money from the top 2% and it wouldn't put a dent in our debt or effect the rate that we're building debt. It would however kill all of the jobs those people provide, kill them dead. BTW, the top 10% already pay 70% of all taxes collected, so your statement about burden is flat out wrong too.
  19. Actually it is. In the current economy when government revenue is down because of the quantity of people that are out of work and paying no taxes, and the number of people working at reduced wages paying less taxes and the number of businesses closed that are paying no taxes then is the time to keep the budget and debt to a minimum. Our government should have been preparing better for bad times when times were good but as always it maxed out our credit even then. The country is not living within its means and this is directly the result of Congressional actions. They need their hands tied.
  20. A fiduciary duty (from Latin fiduciarius, meaning "(holding) in trust"; from fides, meaning "faith", and fiducia, meaning "trust") is a legal or ethical relationship of confidence or trust regarding the management of money or property between two or more parties, most commonly a fiduciary and a principal. Congress owes the highest fiducial responsibility to the People. They are not there to represent themselves. They are not there to raise their own spending limit with our money and then max out the debt to the limit over and over and over ad infinitum. The Constitution specifically grants Congress the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States and it owes it to the people to not ruin that credit by using it irresponsibly.
  21. OK, prove it. Prove that time even started at t=0. Is it possible that time didn't start at the Big Bang, that the Big Bang was just an event in time that redistributed mass/energy into the Universe as we know it? Is it possible that even this event obeyed the law of conservation of mass/energy as we know it even if we don't understand the mechanics that took place during the Big Bang? I personally don't think we can draw any conclusions about where the current mass/energy of our Universe came from.
  22. That's not really a good argument against it. Right now we have a credit card holder with a limit on how much they can spend but they're also the one in control of setting the limit so they just get to raise it every time they max the card out so they can just go further and further in debt with no checks or balances. A responsible card holder would never max out the card if it was to serve as their safety net lest they had some savings to use for such a need. In the case of the American people their card holder, Congress, is not a responsible card holder. Congress constantly keeps the card maxed out with every single increase in the credit limit, that they themselves raise, because there is no legislative obstacle to keep it from doing so. The people will never get the fiduciary responsibility they deserve from Congress unless it is forced on them.
  23. I personally would like to see a separate bill for a Balanced Budget Amendment without any other legislation attached. I see no downsides to a balanced budget and no reason for anyone to vote against it.
  24. Probably some new form of synesthesia where you feel color instead of seeing it.
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