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Everything posted by gafferuk

  1. If I put a ball in space stationary, it wll get pulled to the sun. How does this PERPENDICULAR law work? It just seems silly. Things must slow down because of the force of gravity acting apon it. How is this choice of "I won't get pulled to the sun" being made? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged As it has a funny field shape, this is impossible to prove. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThe planets have movement energy but no force(no little jet packs). The suns gravity has force. A Force acting against energy would cause it to slow down, I do when I jump. Why do the planets not slow down pretty quickly? Lets say a planet is traveling at 1000 mph, and the gravitational force acting on it is 100 mph then every hour the planet would slow down by that amount(100 mph) So after 10 hours it would craw to a halt, or as its a planet, hit the sun. Why is this not happening? If you swing a metal ball on a string, and held a power magnet in your hand, the ball would be attracted to the magnet, only if you give it additional force will it not hit the magnet. Where is the planets getting this additional energy from? If a planet is traveling at 1000 mph with only a 100mph gravity acting apon it then I would think it would fly off! Newtons law does not at all make sense, So I prepose Griff Force Theory. A Drag Force which drags the orbiting moon along with earth as earth orbits the sun. Can anyone show me some math proof? If you believe in this PERPENDICULAR law then if i increased the gravity from the sun, what would happen? If a planet is orbiting the sun, it is trying to fly away, if it's gravity pulling it in that stops it flying away then it will KEEP pulling in until the planet does indeed pull in. doomsday!
  2. Magnet force and gravity force is exactly the same as in its a "pulling force". If magnets dont care of PERPENDICULAR then why should gravity? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThe planets have movement energy but no force(no little jet packs). The suns gravity has force. A Force acting against energy would cause it to slow down, I do when I jump. Why do the planets not slow down pretty quickly? Lets say a planet is traveling at 1000 mph, and the gravitational force acting on it is 100 mph then every hour the planet would slow down by that amount(100 mph) So after 10 hours it would craw to a halt, or as its a planet, hit the sun. Why is this not happening? If you swing a metal ball on a string, and held a power magnet in your hand, the ball would be attracted to the magnet, only if you give it additional force will it not hit the magnet. Where is the planets getting this additional energy from? If a planet is traveling at 1000 mph with only a 100mph gravity acting apon it then I would think it would fly off! Newtons law does not at all make sense, So I prepose Griff Force Theory. A Drag Force which drags the orbiting moon along with earth as earth orbits the sun. Can anyone show me some math proof?
  3. Please explain... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Im TOTALLY against that idea! Things get pulled by gravity, regardless of angle!
  4. The metal ball is orbiting your hand. Because of the magnet it requires additional energy to keep it orbiting. Why does the planets not need additional energy? please don't say PERPENDICULAR, gravity WILL make it fall. this PERPENDICULAR law is absolutly silly, as proven by the magnet and ball. The ball would require CONSTANT energy to stop it hitting your hand. You stop rotating you hand, the ball will hit your hand GUARANTEED!
  5. If you swing a metal ball on a string, and held a power magnet in your hand, the ball would be attracted to the magnet, only if you give it additional force will it not hit the magnet. Where is the planets getting this additional energy from? I dont think PERPENDICULAR has ANYTHING to do with it. Whoever make that up? a bit silly, the universe is not a computer screen. Sorry, but thats only the way YOU THINK IT WORKS. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged If its AGAINST then it will slow you down from flying off. If it's WITH then it will speed you up pulling you towards the sun until doomsday! I would like to know how it can constantly be between "AGAINST and WITH" at the same time and never change to "WITH"? The more I learn of newtons law, the more silly it sounds.
  6. Why do you ask such a silly question? you know when you jump you go up, gravity SLOWS YOU DOWN until you go in reverse and return to the ground. Just answer my question
  7. The planets have movement energy but no force(no little jet packs). The suns gravity has force. A Force acting against energy would cause it to slow down, I do when I jump. Why do the planets not slow down pretty quickly? Lets say a planet is traveling at 1000 mph, and the gravitational force acting on it is 100 mph then every hour the planet would slow down by that amount(100 mph) So after 10 hours it would craw to a halt, or as its a planet, hit the sun. Why is this not happening? If you swing a metal ball on a string, and held a power magnet in your hand, the ball would be attracted to the magnet, only if you give it additional force will it not hit the magnet. Where is the planets getting this additional energy from? If a planet is traveling at 1000 mph with only a 100mph gravity acting apon it then I would think it would fly off! Newtons law does not at all make sense, So I prepose Griff Force Theory. A Drag Force which drags the orbiting moon along with earth as earth orbits the sun. Can anyone show me some math proof?
  8. so what sets the speed of a planet for it to orbit? some planets are small and fast, others are small and slow, others are large and slow, and others are large and fast, all at different distances. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged wish people would make there minds up. im also told the other: You were told something that is true for all intents an purposes for everyday objects here on Earth, but not true in general. Here's Netwon's Law of Universal Gravitation (in a scalar form): F= G\frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2} F = force of gravity between the two objects, labeled 1 and 2 G = gravitational constant = 6.67428 * 10^-11 m^3/(kg*s^2) m_1,_2 = mass of objects 1 and 2 r = distance between the objects Now, let's look at an orange and a brick dropped here on earth. Mass of the Earth is 5.9742 * 10^24 kg Mass of a brick is: 2.7 kg (from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_th...k_in_Kilograms first on a Google search of "weight of a brick") Mass of an orange is: 9-11 oz. (from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_th...t_of_an_orange again, first on a Google search of "weight of an orange) Let's call that 10 oz. that is equal to 0.28 kg Let's do the math. Let's say that the brick and the orange are both dropped from a height of 10 m above the Earth. In this case, r = 10 + 6378100 (average radius of the Earth in m). Force on the orange = 2.35 N Force on the brick = 26.5 N But, the speed at which the orange or brick actually moves is the acceleration. Force = mass * acceleretion. So, we divide the above forces by their masses and we get Acceleration orange = 9.799792 m^2/s Acceleration brick = 9.799792 m^2/s identical down to 6 decimal places In fact, Open Office calculates the numbers to be identical for the 1st 14 decimal places given the numbers I put in (about 6 sig figures), and it isn't until that 15th decimal place that 1 digit is 1 greater than the other. Why is this.... quite simply, the mass of the Earth is so much greater than the mass of the brick or the orange, that the gravitational effect of the Earth is for all purposes a constant. Hence, your being told that a brick and an orange do fall at the same speed on Earth. However, if you start putting things in like the mass of the moon, 7.36*10^22 kg or the mass of the sun 1.99*10^30 kg, then the masses do become important and can be calculated from Newton's law given above.
  9. then weight is irrelevant. the weight of the planet does not set the speed of the planet when it comes to orbit. what does?
  10. If your saying that mass is important then fair enought, i have it wrong and goodnight! stiff baffled why things planets dont slow down though because of gravity? if the astonaut was at the same height as the moon, does he need to travel at at a different speed as the moon in order to stay in orbit? and does that mean we can guess the mass of the planets based on there speed and distance?
  11. are you sure? the astronaut is floating over london 1000 miles above the earth, so heys not traveling very fast. im not sure how fast the moon is traveling at though. and remember the moon is at a much greater distance, and size/weight/mass is irrelevant. It just seems odd that an astronaut can float in space 1000 miles from the earth but the moon does not fly off and weight/size/mass is irrelevant and the moon is much furthur away.
  12. were told that objects fall at the same speed when droped at the same height, an orange and a brick for example will both fall towards the earth at the same speed. so weight and size is irrelevent when it comes to gravity. how can a floating astronaut in space be effected only a bit by gravity when at say 1000 miles from the earth, and the moon be effected more by gravity at a greater distance? the moon is traveling a lot faster than the astronaut im sure, but size/weight/mass is irrelevant when it comes to gravity as everything falls to earth at the same speed when droped from the same height Newtons law just don't add up to me.
  13. if the earth was not really there then the golf ball probably would be pulled towards the earth centre by the time it fell that far.
  14. how can that be true. gravity pulls you towards the center of the earth regardless of angle of travel. if i throw a ball at 45 deg, then its effected in both x and y
  15. is gravity much different from that of a magnet as to say it pulls? if i use a magnet near some metal it pulls to the magnet regardless of angle of travel. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged perhapse i mis understood you but no, i believe that to be incorrect. things pull regardless of angle when gravity is applied. else if you fired a rockett at different angles you would get different results.
  16. the planet has no force, only energy. Gravity has force. gravity force acting against planet energy should cause it to slow down regardless of angle.
  17. Please don't mix einstein with newton, im told einstein math is less acurate. Mass is irrelevant, all things fall at the same speed. There is time, there is space, i double the two are really connected like all of einsteins theorys. Heys right out there.
  18. im not sure where griff energy comes from, it's a bit clockwork like. Gravity is a force, is is a generator. movement is an energy, it has no little jetpacks so has no force, but a snookerball will release its energy when it hits another ball causing it to move. to be correct, griff is a force and not an energy. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedGravity is a force, so everything effected by it must slow down whatever angle of travel. If I fire a firework into the air at an angle it returns to the earth because of gravity. If I fire the same rocket, do you honistly believe that the angle matters wether it returns to the earth? your saying that speed changes things and then things don't slow down ever.
  19. Gravity is a force, so everything effected by it must slow down whatever angle of travel. If I fire a firework into the air at an angle it returns to the earth because of gravity. If I fire the same rocket, do you honistly believe that the angle matters wether it returns to the earth? your saying that speed changes things and then things don't slow down ever.
  20. Telling me to look at the maths is irrelevant as its man made and could contain mistakes. Gravity is a force, so everything effected by it must slow down whatever angle of travel. If I fire a firework into the air at an angle it returns to the earth because of gravity. If I fire the same rocket, do you honistly believe that the angle matters wether it returns to the earth? your saying that speed changes things and then things don't slow down ever.
  21. That makes no sense. Whatever angle its travelling in, its effected by the suns gravity, so it gets pulled back. in other words, slows down. Sorry, but the more I listen to everyone the more I disbelive in newtons theory of gravity, apart from the factt of gravity here on earth and only going out so many miles.
  22. by newtons law "sort of away from the sun and the 2 oposing forces produce the planet to orbit." but as the planet has energy and no force(no little jet packs) then the force from gravity would cause it to slow down (which is not part of newtons law). Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged thats irrelevant, the point is gravity should cause them to slow down.
  23. It does, I jump. i fall because of gravity, but because of Centrifugal force, planets won't ever slow down? i just don't understand how this works. In fact I would thought that planets would be slowing down because of gravity the instance they were created. I still believe it is not gravity.
  24. i have to repeat myself from the last page: please explain this: how can something at a certain speed stop the object from ever slowing down because of gravity? I would thought that eventually the planets would spiral to the sun guaranteed! and would not take that long. What is the speed of the planet moving divided by the fall of the planet from the suns gravity? Thats a good start. is this greater or lesser than 1?. Planets move quite quick, but the gravity it receives is very little. I can not understand how something with a constant force being applied to it like gravity will NEVER slow down and spiral to the sun. Gravity is a pulling force, it pulls you back, so things effected by gravity must one day slow down, guaranteed! even if it takes 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years. A planet going around the sun has energy but no force as it has no little jet packs. Gravity is a force constantly being applied to the planet. So it should slow down quite quickly. But as the planets have been going round for billions of years, i doubt it is gravity doing it's thing but griff energy.
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